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Leetcode688: 骑士在棋盘上的概率(medium)

概率 Medium 棋盘 骑士
2023-09-14 09:01:30 时间


1. 题目描述

2. 解题分析

3. 代码实现:

1. 题目描述

在一个 n x n 的国际象棋棋盘上,一个骑士从单元格 (row, column) 开始,并尝试进行 k 次移动。
行和列是 从 0 开始 的,所以左上单元格是 (0,0) ,右下单元格是 (n - 1, n - 1) 。

骑士继续移动,直到它走了 k 步或离开了棋盘。

返回 骑士在棋盘停止移动后仍留在棋盘上的概率 。

示例 1:
输入: n = 3, k = 2, row = 0, column = 0
输出: 0.0625
解释: 有两步(到(1,2),(2,1))可以让骑士留在棋盘上。

示例 2:
输入: n = 1, k = 0, row = 0, column = 0
输出: 1.00000
1 <= n <= 25
0 <= k <= 100
0 <= row, column <= n


2. 解题分析


        记当前cell为cur=(row,col),记cur经过一步后可以到达的cells为next[k],k=0,...,7. 从cur经过n步后留在棋盘内的概率记为p(cur,n),则可以得到如下递归关系式:

        p(cur,n)=\frac{1}{8}\sum\limits_{k=0}\limits^{7}p(next[k],n-1),\quad n>0





  • (row+1,col+2)
  • (row+2,col+1)
  • (row+2,col-1)
  • (row+1,col-2)
  • (row-1,col-2)
  • (row-2,col-1)
  • (row-2,col+1)
  • (row-2,col+2)


3. 代码实现:

from collections import defaultdict
import time

class Solution:
    def knightProbability(self, n: int, k: int, row: int, col: int) -> float:
        # Add memoization technique.
        nextcell = defaultdict(list)
        for r in range(n):
            for c in range(n):                
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r+1,c+2
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r+2,c+1
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r+2,c-1
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r+1,c-2
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r-1,c-2
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r-2,c-1
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r-2,c+1
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    
                r_tmp,c_tmp = r-1,c+2
                nextcell[(r,c)].append(((r_tmp if r_tmp>=0 and r_tmp<n else -1), (c_tmp if c_tmp>=0 and c_tmp<n else -1)))                                    

        memo = dict()
        def dp(row,col,k):        
            if (row,col,k) in memo:
                return memo[(row,col,k)]
            if k == 0:
                return 1 if row >= 0 and row < n and col >= 0 and col < n else 0
            if row < 0 or col < 0 or row >= n or col >= n:
                return 0
            nxt = nextcell[(row,col)]
            p   = 0
            # print(nxt)
            for m in range(8):
                # print(m)
                if m >= len(nxt):
                cellnext = nxt[m]
                p = p + dp(cellnext[0],cellnext[1],k-1)/8
            # print('dp({0},{1},{2} = {3})'.format(row,col,k,p))
            memo[(row,col,k)] = p
            return p

        return dp(row,col,k)
if __name__ == '__main__':        
    sln = Solution()

    n,k,row,col = 3, 2, 0, 0
    print(sln.knightProbability(n, k, row, col))

    n,k,row,col = 1, 0, 0, 0
    print(sln.knightProbability(n, k, row, col))                
    # n,k,row,col = 8, 30, 6, 4
    n,k,row,col = 10, 13, 5, 3
    tStart = time.time()
    p = sln.knightProbability(n, k, row, col)
    tCost = time.time() - tStart
    print('knightProbability({0},{1},{2},{3}) = {4}, tCost = {5}(sec)'.format(n,k,row,col,p,tCost))




        本题的另一种解法(基于概率转移矩阵的幂运算) 参见:Leetcode688: 基于概率转移矩阵的解法icon-default.png?t=M1H3https://chenxiaoyuan.blog.csdn.net/article/details/123000362