
Angular Routing

  • AngularJS学习---Routing(路由) & Multiple Views(多个视图) step 7

    AngularJS学习---Routing(路由) & Multiple Views(多个视图) step 7

      1.切换分支到step7,并启动项目 git checkout step-7 npm start 2.需求: 在步骤7之前,应用只给我们的用户提供了一个简单的界面(一张所有手机的列表),并且所有的模板代码位于index.html文件中。下一步是增加一个能够显示我们列表中每一部手机详细信息的页面。可以先看一下step6和7的代码区别 . 为了增加详细信息视图,我们可以

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular] Do relative routing inside component

    [Angular] Do relative routing inside component

    onSave(personName) { this.person.name = personName; this.peopleService.save(this.person).subscribe(() => { // redirect back people list // this.router.navigateByUrl('/people')

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular2 Router] Redirects and Path Matching - Avoid Common Routing Pitfall

    [Angular2 Router] Redirects and Path Matching - Avoid Common Routing Pitfall

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how we can can configure redirects in the angular 2 router configuration. We are also going to see again another example on how the order of the configuration m

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular2 Router] Configuring a Home Route and Fallback Route - Learn An Essential Routing Concept

    [Angular2 Router] Configuring a Home Route and Fallback Route - Learn An Essential Routing Concept

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to configure the Angular 2 router to cover some commonly used routing scenarios: what if the user goes to the root of the application manually ? Probably yo

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     


    Let's say we have a list of contacts, click each contact, we can render a new route to get the detail.   Define the routers: //contact-list.router.ts import {ContactListComponent} from "./cont

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular 2] Keynote: Lazy Routing -- NGCONF

    [Angular 2] Keynote: Lazy Routing -- NGCONF

    So How to do lazy loading for router in Angular 2.   The nomarl way to write a router in Angular 2: You have SimpleCmp and UserCmp as child components. You also import {SimpleCmp, UserCmp} from

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • AngularJS学习---Routing(路由) & Multiple Views(多个视图) step 7

    AngularJS学习---Routing(路由) & Multiple Views(多个视图) step 7

      1.切换分支到step7,并启动项目 git checkout step-7 npm start 2.需求: 在步骤7之前,应用只给我们的用户提供了一个简单的界面(一张所有手机的列表),并且所有的模板代码位于index.html文件中。下一步是增加一个能够显示我们列表中每一部手机详细信息的页面。可以先看一下step6和7的代码区别 . 为了增加详细信息视图,我们可以

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular] Do relative routing inside component

    [Angular] Do relative routing inside component

    onSave(personName) { this.person.name = personName; this.peopleService.save(this.person).subscribe(() => { // redirect back people list // this.router.navigateByUrl('/people')

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular2 Router] Redirects and Path Matching - Avoid Common Routing Pitfall

    [Angular2 Router] Redirects and Path Matching - Avoid Common Routing Pitfall

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how we can can configure redirects in the angular 2 router configuration. We are also going to see again another example on how the order of the configuration m

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular2 Router] Configuring a Home Route and Fallback Route - Learn An Essential Routing Concept

    [Angular2 Router] Configuring a Home Route and Fallback Route - Learn An Essential Routing Concept

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to configure the Angular 2 router to cover some commonly used routing scenarios: what if the user goes to the root of the application manually ? Probably yo

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     


    Let's say we have a list of contacts, click each contact, we can render a new route to get the detail.   Define the routers: //contact-list.router.ts import {ContactListComponent} from "./cont

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • [Angular 2] Keynote: Lazy Routing -- NGCONF

    [Angular 2] Keynote: Lazy Routing -- NGCONF

    So How to do lazy loading for router in Angular 2.   The nomarl way to write a router in Angular 2: You have SimpleCmp and UserCmp as child components. You also import {SimpleCmp, UserCmp} from

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • Angular从零到一3.1 建立routing的步骤

    Angular从零到一3.1 建立routing的步骤

    建立一个待办事项应用 这一章我们会建立一个更复杂的待办事项应用,当然,登录功能也还保留,这样应用就有了多个相对独立的功能模块。以往的Web应用根据不同的功能跳转到不同的功能页面。但目前前端的趋势是开发一个SPA(Single Page Application,单页应用),所以其实我们应该把这种跳转叫视图切换:根据不同的路径显示不同的组件。那我们怎么处理这种视图切换呢?幸运的是,我们无需寻找第三方

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40     
  • Angular中的路由(Routing)原理


    1. 摘要 简单来说地址栏中,不同的地址(URL)对应不同的页面,这就是路由。同时,点击浏览器的前进和后退按钮,浏览器就会在你的浏览历史中向前或向后导航,这也是基于路由。 在 Angular 里面,Router 是一个独立的模块,

    日期 2023-06-12 10:48:40