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C#,《数值算法:科学计算的艺术,Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing》

c#算法 The of 数值 艺术 art Computing
2023-09-11 14:15:48 时间

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《Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing 3rd Edition》

William H. Press

Saul A. Teukolsky

William T. Vetterling

Brian P. Flannery

Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing was first published in 1986 and became an instant classic among scientists, engineers, and social scientists. In this book the original, time-tested programs have been completely reworked into a clear, consistent Pascal style. This represents a significant improvement to the immensely successful programs contained in the first edition, which were originally written in Fortran. The authors make extensive use of pointers, dynamic memory allocation, and other features utilized by this language. The explanatory text accompanying the programs replicates the lucid, and easy-to-read prose found in the original version, and incorporates corrections, improvements, and explanations of special Pascal features. The product of a unique collaboration among four leading scientists in academic research and industry, Numerical Recipes in Pascal fills a long-recognized need for a practical, comprehensive handbook of scientific computing in the Pascal language. The book is designed both for the Pascal programmer who wants exposure to the techniques of scientific computing, and for the working scientist, social scientist, and engineer. The scope of the book ranges from standard areas of numerical analysis (linear algebra, differential equations, roots) through subjects useful to signal processing (Fourier methods, filtering), data analysis (least squares, robust fitting, statistical functions), simulation (random deviates and Monte Carlo), and more. The lively, informal text combined with an underlying degree of mathematical sophistic



Co-authored by four leading scientists from academia and industry, Numerical Recipes Third Edition starts with basic mathematics and computer science and proceeds to complete, working routines. Widely recognized as the most comprehensive, accessible and practical basis for scientific computing, this new edition incorporates more than 400 Numerical Recipes routines, many of them new or upgraded. The executable C++ code, now printed in color for easy reading, adopts an object-oriented style particularly suited to scientific applications. The whole book is presented in the informal, easy-to-read style that made earlier editions so popular. Please visit www.nr.com or www.cambridge.org/us/numericalrecipes for more details. New key features: 2 new chapters, 25 new sections, 25% longer than Second Edition Thorough upgrades throughout the text Over 100 completely new routines and upgrades of many more. New Classification and Inference chapter, including Gaussian mixture models, HMMs, hierarchical clustering, Support Vector MachinesNew Computational Geometry chapter covers KD trees, quad- and octrees, Delaunay triangulation, and algorithms for lines, polygons, triangles, and spheres New sections include interior point methods for linear programming, Monte Carlo Markov Chains, spectral and pseudospectral methods for PDEs, and many new statistical distributions An expanded treatment of ODEs with completely new routines Plus comprehensive coverage of linear algebra, interpolation, special functions, random numbers, nonlinear sets of equations, optimization, eigensystems, Fourier methods and wavelets, statistical tests, ODEs and PDEs, integral equations, and inverse theory And much, much more! 



《C++数值算法,Numrical Recipes in C++》





《C#数值算法,Numrical Recipes in C#》

敬请期待即将不断发布的 C# 版本的源代码。


---\00 Utility Routines
---\00 Utility Routines\Calendar.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\Complex.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\Globals.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\Matrix.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\Matrix3d.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\RealMultiValueFun.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\RealValueFun.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\RealValueFunWithDiff.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\UniValRealValueFunWithDiff.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\UniVarRealMultiValueFun.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\UniVarRealValueFun.cs
---\00 Utility Routines\Vector.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\ADAT.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Bandec.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Cholesky.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\GaussJordan.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Linbcg.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\LUdcmp.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\NRsparseCol.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\NRsparseLinbcg.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\NRsparseMat.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\QRdcmp.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\SVD.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Toeplz.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Tridag.cs
---\02 Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations\Vander.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\BaryRat_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Base_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Bilin_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Curve_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Krig.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Laplace_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Linear_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\PolCoef.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Poly2D_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Poly_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Powvargram.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Rational_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_fn.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_gauss.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_inversemultiquadric.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_multiquadric.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\RBF_thinplate.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Shep_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Spline2D_interp.cs
---\03 Interpolation and Extrapolation\Spline_interp.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions
---\04 Integration of Functions\Adapt.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\DErule.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\GaussianWeights.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Midexp.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Midinf.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Midpnt.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Midsql.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Midsqu.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\NRf1.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\NRf2.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\NRf3.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Quadrature.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Stiel.cs
---\04 Integration of Functions\Trapzd.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Chebyshev.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Dfridr.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Epsalg.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Eulsum.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Levin.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Poly.cs
---\05 Evaluation of Functions\Ratfn.cs
---\06 Special Functions
---\06 Special Functions\Bessel.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Bessik.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Bessjy.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Beta.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Betadist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Binomialdist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Cauchydist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Chisqdist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Elliptic.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Erf.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Expondist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Fdist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Fermi.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Gamma.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Gammadist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Gauleg18.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Hypergeo.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Integrals.cs
---\06 Special Functions\KSdist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Legendre.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Logisticdist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Lognormaldist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Normaldist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Poissondist.cs
---\06 Special Functions\Studenttdist.cs
---\07 Random Numbers
---\07 Random Numbers\Binomialdev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Cauchydev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Expondev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Gammadev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Hash.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\HashAll.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Hashfn1.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Hashfn2.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Hashtable.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Logisticdev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\MCintegrate.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Mhash.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Miser.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Multinormaldev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Normaldev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Normaldev_BM.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Poissondev.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Primpolytest.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ran.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranbyte.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranfib.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranhash.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranlim32.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranq1.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Ranq2.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\Sobol.cs
---\07 Random Numbers\VEGAS.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection
---\08 Sorting and Selection\EClass.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection\EquivalenceInf.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection\Heapselect.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection\Indexx.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection\IQagent.cs
---\08 Sorting and Selection\Sorter.cs
---\09 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations
---\09 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations\MNEWT.cs
---\09 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations\NRfdjac.cs
---\09 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations\NRfmin.cs
---\09 Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations\Roots.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Amebsa.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Amoeba.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Anneal.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Bracketmethod.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Brent.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Dbrent.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Df1dim.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Dlinemethod.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Dynpro.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\F1dim.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Frprmn.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Funcd.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Golden.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Linemethod.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\Powell.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\QuasiNewton.cs
---\10 Minimization or Maximization of Functions\StringAlign.cs
---\11 Eigensystems
---\11 Eigensystems\Jacobi.cs
---\11 Eigensystems\Symmeig.cs
---\11 Eigensystems\Unsymmeig.cs
---\12 Fast Fourier Transform
---\12 Fast Fourier Transform\FFT.cs
---\12 Fast Fourier Transform\WrapVecDoub.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\BartlettWin.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Daub4.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Daub4i.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Daubs.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\DftInt.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Fourier.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Hann.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Slepian.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Slepwindow.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Spectolap.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Spectreg.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\SquareWin.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\Wavelet.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\WelchWin.cs
---\13 Fourier and Spectral Applications\WindowFun.cs
---\14 Statistical Description of Data
---\14 Statistical Description of Data\Moment.cs
---\14 Statistical Description of Data\Quadvl.cs
---\14 Statistical Description of Data\QuadvlInf.cs
---\14 Statistical Description of Data\SavitzkyGolayFilter.cs
---\14 Statistical Description of Data\Stattests.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data
---\15 Modeling of Data\FGauss.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitab.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitexy.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitlin.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitmed.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitmrq.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Fitsvd.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\MultiFuncd.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Plog.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\Proposal.cs
---\15 Modeling of Data\State.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference
---\16 Classification and Inference\Gaumixmod.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\HMM.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Kmeans.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylagglom.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylagglomnode.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylo_clc.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylo_nj.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylo_slc.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylo_upgma.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Phylo_wpgma.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Svm.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Svmgausskernel.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Svmgenkernel.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Svmlinkernel.cs
---\16 Classification and Inference\Svmpolykernel.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\DerivativeInf.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\Hypderiv.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\Odeint.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\Output.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperBase.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperBS.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperDopr5.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperDopr853.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperRoss.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperSie.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\StepperStoerm.cs
---\17 Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations\Stochsim.cs
---\18 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
---\18 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems\Difeq.cs
---\18 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems\Shoot.cs
---\18 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems\Shootf.cs
---\18 Two-Point Boundary Value Problems\Solvde.cs
---\19 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory
---\19 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory\Fred2.cs
---\19 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory\Quad_matrix.cs
---\19 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory\Volterra.cs
---\19 Integral Equations and Inverse Theory\Wwghts.cs
---\20 Partial Differential Equations
---\20 Partial Differential Equations\Mgfas.cs
---\20 Partial Differential Equations\Mglin.cs
---\20 Partial Differential Equations\Relaxation.cs
---\20 Partial Differential Equations\Weights.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry
---\21 Computational Geometry\Box.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Boxnode.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Circle.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Convexhull.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Delaunay.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\KDtree.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Minspantree.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Nearpoints.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Point.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Polygon.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Qotree.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Sphcirc.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Triel.cs
---\21 Computational Geometry\Voronoi.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\Arithcode.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\Gray.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\Huffcode.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\Icrc.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\Machar.cs
---\22 Less-Numerical Algorithms\MParith.cs
---\30 Example
---\30 Example\Bandec_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Chebyshev_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Cholesky_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Cyclic_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\FFT_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\GaussJordan_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Levin_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\LUdcmp_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\QRdcmp_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Solvde_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\SVD_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Toepltz_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Trigag_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Vander_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Zrhqr_Ex.cs
---\30 Example\Zroots_Ex.cs


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