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论文阅读《Knowing False Negatives》

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2023-09-14 09:13:20 时间

论文全名是: Knowing False Negatives: An Adversarial Training Method for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction


  • 文章来源:CSDN@LawsonAbs
  • 推荐指数:★★★☆☆

1. 四大问题

1.1 出于什么动机?

Due to the incompleteness of current KBs, sentences implying certain realtions may be annotated as N/A instances, which causes the socalled false negative(FN) problem.

1.2 提出了什么方法?

propose a two-stage approach

  • mining: it finds out possible FN samples by heuristically leveraiging the memory mechanism of deep nural networks
  • it aligns those unlabeled data with the training data into a unified feature space by adversarial training to assign pseudo labels and further utilize the information contained in them.

1.3 使用什么数据集?


1.4 效果怎么样?


2. 内容

远监督的假设: if two entities participate in a relation in a KB, then any sentence containing this entity pair express this relation.
这个假设过强,同时会带来一些噪声,这种问题在 KB 不是一个专有语料库上时就非常严重。
if two entities participate in a relation, at-least-one sentence that mentions these two entities expresses this relation.


3. 问题

3.1 Gradient Reversal Layer 是什么?

~ 待深入

3.2 text 中怎么做CNN?


3.3 piecewise max pooling 是个什么操作?

3.4 Arpit et al., 2017 中的 clean sample 指的是什么?

为什么这篇论文说是 深度神经网络中总先学习到的是 clean samples?接着再是noisy samples? 这是一篇ICML 的工作,感觉十分不错。明天读一下~

4. 总结
