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《TPM原理及应用指南》学习 —— TPM执行环境1(3)

应用学习执行原理 环境 指南 TPM
2023-09-14 09:09:18 时间

本文对应《A Practical Guide to TPM 2.0 — Using the Trusted Platform Module in the New Age of Security》的第6章第1节第3部分。

Microsoft Simulator —— 运行模拟器

Search for the simulator binary, simulator.exe, in the install directory, and start it.
In some settings, you may need to configure the port numbers that the simulator listens
to for commands. You can do this on the simulator command line.


The simulator uses two ports:

  • TPM command port: Used for sending TPM commands and receiving TPM responses. The default port is 2321; if you need to change this, you can set it on the command line as follows:

        > simulator <portNum>

  • Platform command port: Used for platform commands such as power on/off. The platform command port is always one greater than the TPM command port. For example, the default platform port number is 2322; and if you use the command-line option to set the TPM command port, the platform port is 1 greater than the command-line value.


  • TPM命令端口:用于发送TPM命令和接收TPM响应。默认端口是2321;如果你需要修改它,可以通过命令行进行如下设置:

        > simulator <portNum>

  • 平台命令端口:用于平台命令,如power on/off。平台命令端口总是比TPM命令端口大1。例如,默认的平台端口号是2322;如果你使用命令行选项设置TPM命令端口,平台端口比命令行的值大1。

There are two reasons to use a port other than the default port:

  • If the network you’re running on is using the default port for some other use
  • If you want to run two instances of the simulator on the same machine, in which case you need to run one on a different port


  • 如果你运行于其上的网络正在将默认端口号用作其它用途
  • 如果你想在同一台机器上运行两个模拟器实例,在这种情况下,你需要将其中一个实例运行于一个不同的端口上


  • 运行模拟器的方法:命令行中运行simulator <portNum>
  • 模拟器使用两个端口:TPM命令端口和平台命令端口
  • TPM命令端口用于发送TPM命令并接收TPM响应
  • 平台命令端口用于平台命令
  • 默认TPM命令端口为2321;默认平台命令端口为2322
  • 一般使用默认端口号就可以,也可以自行指定端口号