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MySQL 优化学习之路

mysql学习 优化
2023-09-14 09:01:05 时间
Disk reading and writing. easier to optimize than disk seeks CPU cycles large tables compared to the amount of memory ??? Memory bandwith when CPU needs more data to fit in CPU cache ??? use explain indexs avoid full table scan analyze table periodically read-only transactions 5.6.4+ // had read an article on ATA about this avoid transforming query hard to read, optimizer will do this SELECT cover index: In some cases, MySQL can read rows from the index without even consulting the data file. If all columns used from the index are numeric, only the index tree is used to resolve the query. // need numeric ? TODO range index MySQL does not support merging ranges, use union eq_range_index_dive_limit To permit use of index dives for comparisons of up to N equality ranges, seteq_range_index_dive_limit to N + 1
two kinds of filesort group by: loose index scan vs tight index scan, depends on distribution of column(cardinality). INSERT use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several rows at a time will be faster than using separate single-row INSERT statements. bulk_insert_buffer_size for large INSERT insert values explicitly only when the value to be inserted differs from the default. Bulk insert speed up (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/optimizing-innodb-bulk-data-loading.html) Update same with INSERT DELETE truncate Optimizing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Queries Try to use constant lookup values for database and table names in the WHERE clause Write queries that minimize the number of table files that must be opened (???) Use EXPLAIN to determine whether the server can use INFORMATION_SCHEMA optimizations for a query Index

Index can improve the speed of determining rows which match where statements. But useless indexs are waste of space and time for db to determinie whcih index to use and need more time to create indexs when insert.

How MySQL use index the most seletive indexs leftmost prefix of the index join: use same data type will be faster // varchar and char are the same if their size equal. must use the same character set when compare string columns comparison of dissimilar column may prevent use of indexs
MIN() MAX() of column key_col will be O(1) if all key_part_N before key_col in where statement is constant. cover index // here not mention numeric Primary Key use numeric pk Foreign Key split low-frequently data into separate table Column Key prefix index fulltext for char varchar and text Statistic expr1 = expr2 is not true when expr1 or expr2 (or both) are NULL
华为大佬的“百万级”MySQL笔记,基础+优化+架构一键搞定 MySQL不用多说,大家都知道它是目前最为活跃热门的开源数据库,由于成本低,操作简易的特点,所以在互联网企业中被广泛使用,即使是头部的BATJ。由此可见,想要在互联网行业混得风生水起,或者说想要进入BATJ等一线互联网公司,那么熟练掌握MySQL必定是一块必要的敲门砖。
我又吊打面试官了,凭借MySQL海量数据优化(理论+实战) 朋友们,又见面了,上篇文章咱们讲到MySQL分库分表的方法,这篇文章咱们就针对上一篇文章模拟在MySQL中海量数据的优化方法,文章干货较多,建议三连。 提示:以下是本篇文章正文内容,案例仅供参考
MySQL优化 在我们的实际场景中经常会遇到sql查询较慢的问题,今天特地写一篇文章来聊聊我对于MySQL调优相关内容的知识,以及从哪些点去进行优化.