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Linux批量方法 简单 重命名
2023-06-13 09:15:17 时间

Renaming files in Linux can be a tedious task, especially if you have a large number of files to rename. It is often more efficient to do this in a batch.For example, when you want to rename a set of files with a sequential number, or when a set of files need to be named with a common file name and different extensions.

Luckily, Linux has some powerful tools for batch file renaming. In this article, we’ll show you two different methods for batch file renaming which can be used in different scenarios.

The first method we’ll look at is using the ‘rename’ command. Rename is a perl script that allows you to rename multiple files according to a set of rules. To install the rename command on most Linux distributions, use the command:

sudo apt-get install rename

An example of how to use the rename command is to rename all files in the current directory with a sequential number. To do this, use the following command:

rename ‘s/(\d+)/sprintf(“%03d”,$1)/e’ *

This command will rename all files in the current directory with a three-digit number, starting from 001 and incrementing for each file.

The second method for batch file renaming is using shell scripts. Shell scripts offer more flexibility than the rename command and can be used to rename multiple files based on a more complex set of rules. Here is an example of a shell script that will rename all files in the current directory with a common file name and different extensions:

for i in *do
name=$(echo $i | cut -d"." -f1) ext=$(echo $i | cut -d"." -f2)
mv $i $name".new.ext"done

This script will rename all files in the current directory to have the same base file name, with the extension changed to “.new.ext”.

So there you have it – two different methods for batch file renaming in Linux. Both methods can massively reduce the time taken to rename a large set of files, making bulk file renaming a breeze.

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数据库远程运维 为Linux批量重命名的简单方法(批量重命名linux)