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Go接口JSONJSON编程语言 详解 获取 根据
2023-06-13 09:11:48 时间
var s JsonServers str := `{"servers":[{"serverName":"Shanghai_VPN","serverIP":""},{"serverName":"Beijing_VPN","serverIP":""}]}` json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), s) fmt.Println(s) //{[{Shanghai_VPN} {Beijing_VPN}]} b := []byte(`{"Name":"Wednesday","Age":6,"Parents":["Gomez","Morticia"]}`) var f interface{} json.Unmarshal(b, f) fmt.Printf("%+v/n", f) // map[Name:Wednesday Age:6 Parents:[Gomez Morticia]] m := f.(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range m { switch vv := v.(type) { case string: fmt.Println(k, "is string", vv) //Name is string Wednesday case int: fmt.Println(k, "is int", vv) case float64: fmt.Println(k, "is float64", vv) //Age is float64 6 case []interface{}: fmt.Println(k, "is an array:") //Parents is an array: //0 Gomez //1 Morticia for i, u := range vv { fmt.Println(i, u) default: fmt.Println(k, "is of a type I dont know how to handle") /** 如您所见,我们现在可以通过interface{}解析未知格式的JSON并键入断言。 以上示例是官方解决方案,但类型断言并不总是方便。 因此,我推荐一个名为simplejson的开源项目,由bitly创建和维护。 以下是如何使用此项目处理未知格式的JSON的示例: go get ithub.com/bitly/go-simplejson // 根据键获取值 js, err := simplejson.NewJson([]byte(`{ "test": { "array": [1, "2", 3], "int": 10, "float": 5.150, "bignum": 9223372036854775807, "string": "simplejson", "bool": true }`)) if err != nil { fmt.Println("err:", err) arr, _ := js.Get("test").Get("array").Array() //arr: [1 2 3] fmt.Println("arr:", arr) i, _ := js.Get("test").Get("int").Int() //i: 10 fmt.Println("i:", i) ms := js.Get("test").Get("string").MustString() //ms: simplejson fmt.Println("ms:", ms) json解码到接口
package main 

import ( 



func main() { 

 jsonBuf := ` 

 "company": "itcast", 

 "subjects": [ 





 "isok": true, 

 "price": 666.666 


 m := make(map[string]interface{}, 4) 

 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonBuf), m) 

 if err != nil { 

 fmt.Println("err=", err) 


 fmt.Println("m=", m) //m= map[company:itcast subjects:[Go C++ Python Test] isok:true price:666.666] 

 fmt.Printf("m=%+v/n", m) //m=map[isok:true price:666.666 company:itcast subjects:[Go C++ Python Test]] 

 var s string 

 s = m["company"].(string) 

 fmt.Println("s= ", s) //s= itcast 

 var s1 bool 

 s1 = m["isok"].(bool) 

 fmt.Println("s1= ", s1) //s1= true 

 var s2 float64 

 s2 = m["price"].(float64) 

 fmt.Println("s2= ", s2) //s2= 666.666 

 var str string 


 for key, value := range m { 

 // fmt.Printf("%v=== %v/n", key, value) 

 switch data := value.(type) { 

 case string: 

 str = data 

 fmt.Printf("map[%s]的值类型为string,内容为%s/n", key, str) 

 case bool: 

 fmt.Printf("map[%s]的值类型为bool,内容为%v/n", key, data) 

 case float64: 

 fmt.Printf("map[%s]的值类型为float64,内容为%v/n", key, data) 

 case []string: 

 fmt.Printf("map[%s]的值类型为[]stiring1,内容为%v/n", key, data) 

 case []interface{}: 

 fmt.Printf("map[%s]的值类型为[]stiring2,内容为%v/n", key, data) 


 map[subjects]的值类型为[]stiring2,内容为[Go C++ Python Test] 



