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Oracle 视图 DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明

Oracle官方DBA 使用 如何 详细 作用 说明
2023-06-13 09:11:14 时间

dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer 表是 Oracle 的 AWR 报告的一个动态性能视图,它包含用于跨实例缓存传输历史的拆分缓存转移信息,并且在表中维护这些信息以及缓存大小和转移时间戳信息。

dba_hist_inst_cache_transfer 视图帮助数据库管理员和性能分析师确定在跨实例分离缓存传输期间消耗的资源,从而更好地理解数据库活动。视图中的每一行记录代表一次拆分缓存传输,其字段包括来源实例,目标实例以及转移的元素的缓存大小。



DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER displays the historical statistics on the cache blocks transferred among instances.

This view contains snapshots of V$INSTANCE_CACHE_TRANSFER.

The number of blocks that were sent by a particular instance but that never arrived in this instance

The count of CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 2-way round-trip

The count of CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 3-way round-trip

The count of current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 2-way round-trip

The count of current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 3-way round-trip

The count of current blocks which were directly read from a remote instance via RDMA

Total time waited for CR blocks from a particular instance (includes the other times)

The time waited for CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance and which were delayed by a log flushed on the sending instance

The time waited for CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance and which were delayed because LMS was busy

Total time waited for CR blocks from a particular instance (includes the other times)

The time waited for current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance and which were delayed by a log flushed on the sending instance

The time waited for current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance and which were delayed because LMS was busy

The time waited for blocks that were sent by a particular instance but that never arrived in this instance

The time waited for CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 2-way round-trip

The time waited for CR blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 3-way round-trip

Total time waited to directly read CR blocks from a remote instance via RDMA (in centiseconds)

The time waited for current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 2-way round-trip

The time waited for current blocks which were received by this instance from a particular instance after a 3-way round-trip

Total time waited to directly read current blocks from a remote instance via RDMA (in centiseconds)

0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertain to the entire CDB. This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle 视图 DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER 官方解释,作用,如何使用详细说明