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Oracle节点 构建 可用 高可用性
2023-06-13 09:12:24 时间

Oracle s double node high availability architecture makes it possible for enterprises to use Oracle databases in a highly available environment. With this architecture, if one node fails, the other node can take over the workload, thus ensuring uninterrupted service.

The basis of a high availability Oracle cluster is the Oracle Data Guard. It is a mechanism used to keep multiple Oracle databases in sync. The Oracle Data Guard creates a standby database that is kept in sync with the primary database, which provides very fast failover should the primary database become unavailable.

To deploy a high availability Oracle cluster, the first step is to configure the Oracle Data Guard cluster. This involves setting up a standby Oracle database and then configuring the Oracle Data Guard to keep the two databases in sync. Once the Oracle Data Guard is up and running, the two nodes can be configured to provide fault tolerance.

To make the Oracle Data Guard high availability architecture more robust, Orcale provides several ways of automating the process. For example, Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (EMCC) can be used to manage, monitor, and provide automated failover features to Oracle clusters. It also offers comprehensive monitoring and alerting capabilities.

When setting up the cluster, different types of failure scenarios need to be taken into consideration. Depending on the types of deployments, the fault tolerance solution may require the use of a voting disk, which ensures that the databases remain in sync in case of a failure, and log file mirroring, which enables the transfer of log files from the primary database to the standby database.

Additionally, Oracle also provides a range of tools which can be used to achieve maximum uptime in an Oracle cluster. These tools can be used to automate the process of switching primary and standby databases, as well as to manage failover times.

Finally, for maximum uptime, it is recommended that administrators use Oracle’s automatic workload repository (AWR) and performance repository (PRR) to track performance and availability metrics, as well as to identify potential performance bottlenecks.

In summary, Oracle’s double-node high availability architecture provides enterprises with strict redundancy and reliability, to ensure that the Oracle database systems remain available despite outages and other unexpected events. The combination of the Oracle Data Guard and other tools makes it possible for the administrators to build a highly reliable and automated Oracle cluster.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 高可用Oracle双节点高可用性构建(oracle双节点)