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机器学习模式人工智能 视频 ppt 方面 天气
2023-06-13 09:11:02 时间




  • Views from Domain Science
  • ML/AI Software Technologies
  • High performance, Infrastructure and Big data Challenges

Session 1: Views from Domain Science

  • New approaches based on ML for a range of climate prediction problems, Emily Shuckburgh (U. Cambridge)
  • Philosophy and Targeted Applications of ML/AI Techniques for Climate Risk Analytics at Jupiter, Luke Madaus & Steve Sain (Jupiter Intel.)
  • The optimization dichotomy: Why is it so hard to improve climate models with machine learning, Stephan Rasp (ClimateAI)
  • Improving convection parameterizations with a library of large-eddy simulations, Zhaoyi Shen (Caltech)
  • Stochastic Super-Resolution for Convective Regimes using Gaussian Random Fields, Rachel Prudden (Met Office Inf. Lab)
  • Subseasonal Forecasts of Opportunity Identified by an Explainable Neural Network, Kirsten Mayer (CSU)
  • Using transfer learning and backscattering analysis to build stable, generalizable data-driven subgrid-scale models: A 2D turbulence test case, Pedram Hassanzadeh (U. Rice)

Session 2: ML/AI Software technologies

  • Stochastic machine learning for atmospheric fields with generative adversarial networks, Jussi Leinonen (MeteoSwiss)
  • Causal discovery in time series with unobserved confounders, Andreas Gerhardus (DLR Jena)
  • Estimating stochastic closures using sparsity-promoting ensemble Kalman inversion, Jinlong Wu (Caltech)
  • Deep Learning on the sphere for weather/climate applications, Gionata Ghiggi and Michaël Defferrard (EPFL)
  • Deep learning-based remote sensing for infrastructure damage assessment, Thomas Chen (AMSE)
  • Leveraging physics information in neural networks for fluid flow problems, Akshay Subramaniam (NVIDIA)
  • Sub-seasonal forecasting with a large ensemble of deep-learning weather prediction models, Jonathan Weyn (U. of Washington)

Session 3: High performance, Infrastructure and Big data challenges

  • Scaling Up Deep Learning Workloads - A Data-Centric View, Tal Ben-Nun (ETHZ)
  • Radar QPE and Machine Learning, Micheal Simpson (NOAA)
  • Using ML at the Edge to Improve Data Gathering, Pete Warden (Google)
  • An Overview of ML and AI on Arm Based HPC Systems for Weather and Climate Applications, Phil Ridley (Arm)
  • Machine-Learned Preconditioners for Linear Solvers in Geophysical Fluid Flows, Jan Ackmann (U. Oxford)
  • You do you. How next-gen data platforms can stop weather and climate scientists from being software engineers and other perversions, Theo McCaie (MO Informatics Lab)
  • 3D bias correction with deep learning in the Integrated Forecasting System, Thorsten Kurth (NVIDIA)
