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[Angular] Run Angular CLI with https

AngularHTTPS with run CLI
2023-09-14 08:59:14 时间

Generate a certificate

git clone https://github.com/RubenVermeulen/generate-trusted-ssl-certificate.git 
cd generate-trusted-ssl-certificate

bash generate.sh

You should now have a server.crt and a server.key file in the repository folder.


Install the certificate (MacOS)

  1. Double click on the certificate (server.crt)
  2. Select your desired keychain (login should suffice)
  3. Add the certificate
  4. Open Keychain Access if it isn’t already open
  5. You should see the certificate localhost, double click it
  6. Expand Trust tab
  7. Select the option Always Trust in When using this certificate
  8. Close the certificate window


Configure the application

create a ssl folder in applciation

   - e2e
   - src
   - ssl

Copy the private key and root certificate from step 1 into the ssl folder. Make sure the file names are like this:

server.key (private key)
server.crt (root certificate)


Update package.json:

"start": "ng serve --ssl --ssl-key ./ssl/server.key --ssl-cert ./ssl/server.crt",



npm start