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C语言管理系统 实现 图书
2023-09-27 14:25:56 时间

相关视频——C语言课程设计实战:图书管理系统!计算机专业同学的一大难题,今天用代码实战演示,手把手带你完成!_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili






int* p = NULL;

int a = 1;

*p = 1001;


 p = (int*)malloc(sizeiof(int));

*p = 10033;



struct data

 int A;

 float B;

 char name[10];




struct data C;

C.A = 1001;

指针——- ,指针指向运算符,C- A

struct data *sb = 

sb- A = 1002;








#include stdio.h 

#include stdlib.h 

#include string.h 


// 3.1程序用什么东西处理数据 -数组 -链表 ——无非就是去考虑用什么容器来装数据

// 3.2数据的结构 --- 图书的信息

struct bookInfo

 char name[20];//书名

 float price;//价格

 int num;//数量

struct Node


 struct bookInfo data;

 struct Node* next;

struct Node* list = NULL;

//创建表头 表头就是一个结构体变量

struct Node* creatHead()


 struct Node* headNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));


 headNode- next = NULL;

 return headNode;



struct Node* creatNode(struct bookInfo data)

 struct Node* newNode = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

 newNode- data = data;

 newNode- next = NULL;

 return newNode;


void insertNodeByHead(struct Node* headNode,struct bookInfo data)

 struct Node* newNode = creatNode(data);


 newNode- next = headNode- next;

 headNode- next = newNode;


//void insertNodeByTail(struct Node* headNode, int data)

// struct Node* pMove = headNode;

// while (pMove- next != NULL)

// pMove = pMove- next;

// struct Node* newNode = creatNode(data);

// pMove- next = newNode;


void deleteNodeByName(struct Node* headNode, char* bookName)

 struct Node* posLeftNode = headNode;

 struct Node* posNode = headNode- next;


 while (posNode != NULL strcmp(posNode- data.name,bookName))

 posLeftNode = posNode;

 posNode = posLeftNode- next;

 posNode = posLeftNode- next;


 if (posNode == NULL)

 return ;


 printf("delete successful\n");

 posLeftNode- next = posNode- next;


struct Node* searchByName(struct Node* headNode, char* bookName)

 struct Node* posNode = headNode- next;

 while (posNode != NULL strcmp(posNode- data.name,bookName))

 posNode = posNode- next;

 return posNode; 


void printList(struct Node* headNode)


 struct Node* pMove = headNode- next;


 while (pMove != NULL)


 printf("%s\t%.1f\t%d\n", pMove- data.name,pMove- data.price,pMove- data.num);

 pMove = pMove- next;

printf("-Libraty manangement system-\n"); printf("————0.exit———————-\n");//退出 printf("————1.resiger——————\n");//登记 printf("————2.browse————-----\n");//浏览 printf("————3.borrow————-----\n");//借 printf("————4.back————-------\n");//还 printf("————5.sort————-------\n");//排序 printf("————6.delete————-----\n");//删除 printf("————7.seek————-------\n");//查找 printf("——————————————\n"); printf("——please input 0 to 7------\n");//提示 //直接文件操作 //所有的文件都在这个容器里面,做文件操作就是对这个List进行文件操作 //运行的时候把文件的信息读到List里面 //结束的时候把List里面的信息同步到文件里面 //文件存(写)操作 void saveInfoToFile(const char* fileName, struct Node* headNode) FILE* fp = fopen(fileName, "w"); struct Node* pMove = headNode- next; while (pMove != NULL) fprintf(fp,"%s\t%.1f\t%d\n",pMove- data.name,pMove- data.price,pMove- data.num); pMove = pMove- next; fclose(fp); //文件读操作 void readInfoFromFile(const char* fileName, struct Node* headNode) FILE* fp = fopen(fileName, "r");//第一次打开文件肯定是不存在的 if (fp == NULL) //不存在就把文件创建出来 //如果第一次打开文件是空的,用w+方式打开文件,可读可写。 fp = fopen(fileName, "w+"); struct bookInfo tempData; while (fscanf(fp, "%s\t%f\t%d\n", tempData.name, tempData.price, tempData.num) != EOF); insertNodeByHead(list, tempData); fclose(fp); //算法是一种思想 //冒泡排序 void bubbleSortList(struct Node* headNode) for (struct Node* p = headNode- next; p != NULL; p = p- next) for (struct Node* q = headNode- next; q- next != NULL; q = q- next) if (q- data.price q- next- data.price) //交换值 struct bookInfo tempData = q- data; q- data = q- next- data; q- next- data = tempData; printList(headNode); //2.交互-按键处理-跳转 void keyDown() int userKey = 0; struct bookInfo tempbook;//产生一个临时的变量存储书籍信息 struct Node* result = NULL; scanf("%d", userKey); switch(userKey) case 0: printf("【exit】\n"); printf("successful\n"); system("pause"); exit(0);//关闭整个程序 break; case 1: printf("【resiger】\n"); printf("input your books information(name,price,num):"); scanf("%s%f%d",tempbook.name, tempbook.price, tempbook.num); //第一个temobook.name是字符串 不用取地址 insertNodeByHead(list, tempbook); saveInfoToFile("bookinfo.txt",list); break; case 2: printf("【browse】\n"); printList(list); break; case 3: printf("【borrow】\n"); //书籍存在可以借阅,存在书的数量-1,不存在借阅失败 printf("please input book name\n"); scanf("%s", tempbook.name); result = searchByName(list,tempbook.name); if (result == NULL) printf("without the book\n"); else if (result- data.num = 1) result- data.num--; printf("borrow successful\n"); else printf("the book its not here\n"); break; case 4: printf("【back】\n"); //把当前书籍的数量+1 printf("please input book name\n"); scanf("%s", tempbook.name); result = searchByName(list, tempbook.name); if (result == NULL) printf("illegal book\n"); else result- data.num++; break; case 5: printf("【sort】\n"); bubbleSortList(list); break; case 6: printf("【delete】\n"); printf("please input book name\n"); scanf("%s", tempbook.name); deleteNodeByName(list, tempbook.name); saveInfoToFile("bookinfo.txt", list); break; case 7: printf("【seek】\n"); printf("please input book name\n"); scanf("%s",tempbook.name); result = searchByName(list, tempbook.name); if (result == NULL) printf("cant find\n"); else printf("name\tprice\tnum\n"); printf("%s\t%.1f\t%d\n", result- data.name, result- data.price, result- data.num); break; default: printf("【error】\n"); break; int main(void) list = creatHead(); readInfoFromFile("bookinfo.txt",list); while (1) mainMenu(); keyDown(); system("pause");//防闪退 system("cls");//清除 system("pause"); return 0; }

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