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动画 手册 Maya
2023-09-27 14:24:23 时间



1 动画基础知识介绍

1.1 Maya动画作品欣赏

1.2 动画原理

1.3 准备工作

1.3.1 与动画相关的设置、菜单和面板介绍
1.3.2 常用快捷键

1.4 动画实例 人物行走动画的制作

2 动画控制

2.1 帧、帧率和帧率设置

2.2 时间滑块、时间范围滑块和播放控制器

2.2.1 时间滑块和时间范围滑块
2.2.2 播放控制器

2.3 动画控制菜单

2.3.1 Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete(剪切/拷贝/粘贴/删除)
2.3.2 Delete FBIK Keys(删除FBIK关键帧)
2.3.3 Snap(捕捉)
2.3.4 Playback Speed(播放测试速度)
2.3.5 Display Key Ticks(显示关键帧标记)
2.3.6 Playback Looping(循环播放测试)
2.3.7 Set Range to(设置范围到)
2.3.8 Sound(声音)

2.4 预览动画

3 Graph Editor(曲线编辑器)

3.1 菜单栏

3.1.1 Edit(编辑)
3.1.2 View(查看)
3.1.3 Select(选择)
3.1.4 Curves(曲线)菜单
3.1.5 Keys(关键帧)菜单
3.1.6 Tangents(切线)菜单
3.1.7 List(列表)菜单
3.1.8 Show(显示)菜单

3.2 工具栏

4 Animate(动画)菜单

4.1 Set Key(设置关键帧)

4.2 Set Breakdown(设置受控关键帧)

4.3 Hold Current Keys(保持当前关键帧)

4.4 Set Driven Key(设置驱动关键帧)

4.4.1 Set(设置)
4.4.2 Go to Previous(前一个驱动关键帧)
4.4.3 Go to Next(下一个驱动关键帧)

4.5 Set Transform Keys(设置变形关键帧)

4.5.1 Translate(平移)
4.5.2 Rotate(旋转)
4.5.3 Scale(缩放)

4.6 IK/FK Keys(IK/FK关键帧)

4.6.1 Set IK/FK Key(设置IK/FK关键帧)
4.6.2 Enable IK Solver(启用IK解算器)
4.6.3 Connect to IK/FK(连接到IK/FK)
4.6.4 Move IK to FK(移动IK到FK)

4.7 Set Full Body IK Keys(设置全身IK关键帧)

4.8 Set Blend Shape Target Weight Keys(设置融合变形目标权重关键帧)

4.9 Create Clip(创建片段)

4.10 Create Pose(创建姿势)

4.11 Ghost Selected(重影选择)

4.12 Unghost Selected(取消选择对象的重影)

4.13 Unghost All(取消所有重影)

4.14 Create Motion Trail(创建运动轨迹)

4.15 Create Animation Snapshot(创建动画快照)

4.16 Update Motion Trail/Snapshot(更新运动轨迹/快照)

4.17 Create Animated Sweep(创建动画扫描)

4.18 Motion Paths(运动路径)

4.18.1 Set Motion Path Key(设置运动路径关键帧)
4.18.2 Attach to Motion Path(连接到运动路径)
4.18.3 Flow Path Object(对象跟随路径)

4.19 Turntable(可旋转的)

4.20 Scene Time Warp(场景时间弯曲)

4.21 Set Time Code(设置时间代码)

5 Geometry Cache(几何体缓存)菜单

5.1 Create New Cache(创建新缓存)

5.2 Import Cache(导入缓存)

5.3 Disable All On Selected(禁用所有几何体缓存)

5.4 Replace Cache(替换缓存)

5.5 Merge Caches(合并缓存)

5.6 Delete Cache(删除缓存)

5.7 Append to Cache(添加到缓存)

5.8 Replace Cache Frame(替换缓存帧)

5.9 Delete Cache Frame(删除缓存帧)

5.10 Delete History Ahead of Cache(删除缓存之前的历史)

5.11 Paint Cache Weights Tool(绘制缓存权重工具)

6 Create Deformers(创建变形器)菜单

6.1 Blend Shape(融合变形)

6.2 Lattice(晶格)

6.3 Wrap(包裹)

6.4 Cluster(簇)

6.5 Soft Modification(软修改)

6.6 Nonlinear(非线性)

6.6.1 Bend(弯曲)
6.6.2 Flare(扩张)
6.6.3 Sine(正弦)
6.6.4 Squash(挤压)
6.6.5 Twist(螺旋)
6.6.6 Wave(波浪)

6.7 Sculpt Deformer(雕刻变形器)

6.8 Jiggle Deformer(抖动变形器)

6.9 Jiggle Disk Cache(抖动磁盘缓存)

6.10 Jiggle Disk Cache Attributes(抖动磁盘缓存属性)

6.11 Wire Tool(线工具)

6.12 Wire Dropoff Locator(线衰减定位器)

6.13 Wrinkle Tool(褶皱工具)

6.14 Point On Curve(曲线上的点)

7 Edit Deformers(编辑变形器)菜单

7.1 Edit Membership Tool(编辑成员工具)

7.2 Prune Membership(删减成员)

7.2.1 Cluster(簇)
7.2.2 Lattice(晶格)
7.2.3 Sculpt(雕刻)
7.2.4 Wire(线)

7.3 Blend Shape(融合变形)

7.3.1 Add(添加)
7.3.2 Remove(移除)
7.3.3 Swap(交换)
7.3.4 Bake Topology To Targets(烘焙拓扑结构到目标对象)

7.4 Lattice(晶格)

7.4.1 Reset Lattice(重置晶格)
7.4.2 Remove Lattice Tweaks(移除晶格扭曲)

7.5 Wrap(包裹)

7.5.1 Add Influence(添加影响)
7.5.2 Remove Influence(移除影响)

7.6 Wire(线)变形器

7.6.1 Add(添加)
7.6.2 Remove(移除)
7.6.3 Add Holder(添加定位器)
7.6.4 Reset(重置)
7.6.5 Show Base Wire(显示基础线变形器)
7.6.6 Parent Base Wire(父化基础线)

7.7 Display Intermediate Objects(显示中间对象)

7.8 Hide Intermediate Objects(隐藏中间对象)

7.9 Paint Blend Shape Weights Tool(绘制融合变形权重工具)

7.10 Paint Cluster Weights Tool(绘制簇权重工具)

7.11 Paint Jiggle Weights Tool(绘制抖动权重工具)

7.12 Paint Wire Weights Tool(绘制线权重工具)

7.13 Paint Set Membership Tool(绘制集成员工具)

7.14 Mirror Deformer Weights(镜像变形器权重)

8 Skeleton(骨骼)菜单

8.1 Joint Tool(关节工具)

8.2 IK Handle Tool(IK手柄工具)

8.3 IK Spline Handle Tool(IK样条手柄工具)

8.4 Insert Joint Tool(插入关节工具)

8.5 Reroot Skeleton(重设根关节)

8.6 Remove Joint(移除关节)

8.7 Disconnect Joint(断开关节)

8.8 Connect Joint(连接关节)

8.9 Mirror Joint(镜像关节)

8.10 Orient Joint(关节定向)

8.11 HumanIK(人体反向动力学)

8.11.1 HumanIK菜单栏
8.11.2 HumanIK标签栏

8.12 Joint Labelling(关节标签)

8.12.1 Add Joint Labels(添加关节标签)
8.12.2 Toggle Selected Labels(切换显示所选标签)
8.12.3 Show All Labels(显示所有标签)
8.12.4 Hide All Labels(隐藏所有标签)
8.12.5 Rename Joints From Labels(以标签重命名关节)
8.12.6 Label Based on Joint Names(基于关节名称设置标签)

8.13 Full Body IK(全身IK)

8.13.1 Add Full Body IK(添加全身IK)
8.13.2 Add Auxiliary Effector(添加辅助效果器)
8.13.3 Add Auxiliary Pivot(添加辅助枢轴点)
8.13.4 Activate Auxiliary Pivot(激活辅助枢轴点)
8.13.5 Change Auxiliary Pivot Placement(改变辅助枢轴点放置)
8.13.6 Show FBIK FK Skeleton(显示FBIK FK骨骼)
8.13.7 Hide FBIK FK Skeleton(隐藏FBIK FK骨骼)
8.13.8 Add Floor Contact Plane(添加地面接触平面)
8.13.9 Go to Stance Pose(回到初始姿势)
8.13.10 Add Missing Effectors(添加缺失的效果器)
8.13.11 Body Part Autoload(自动加载身体部分)
8.13.12 Get FBIK Example(获取FBIK实例)

8.14 Set Preferred Angle(设置优先角度)

8.15 Assume Preferred Angle(显示优先角度)

8.16 Enable IK Handle Snap(启用IK手柄捕捉)

8.17 Enable IK/FK Control(启用IK/FK控制)

8.18 Enable Selected IK Handles(启用所选IK手柄)

8.19 Disable Selected IK Handles(禁用所选IK手柄)

9 Skin(蒙皮)菜单

9.1 Bind Skin(绑定蒙皮)

9.1.1 Smooth Bind(柔性绑定)
9.1.2 Interactive Skin Bind(交互式蒙皮绑定)
9.1.3 Rigid Bind(刚性绑定)

9.2 Detach Skin(断开蒙皮)

9.3 Go to Bind Pose(恢复绑定姿势)

9.4 Edit Smooth Skin(编辑柔性蒙皮)

9.4.1 Add Influence(添加影响)
9.4.2 Remove Influence(移除影响)
9.4.3 Set Max Influence(设定最大影响)
9.4.4 Move Skinned Joints Tool(移动蒙皮关节工具)
9.4.5 Interactive Skin Bind Tool(交互蒙皮绑定工具)
9.4.6 Paint Skin Weights Tool(绘制蒙皮权重工具)
9.4.7 Export Skin Weight Maps(导出蒙皮权重贴图)
9.4.8 Import Skin Weight Maps(导入蒙皮权重贴图)
9.4.9 Mirror Skin Weights(镜像蒙皮权重)
9.4.10 Copy Skin Weights(拷贝蒙皮权重)
9.4.11 Smooth Skin Weights(平滑蒙皮权重)
9.4.12 Weight Hammer(权重锤)
9.4.13 Copy Vertex Weights(拷贝顶点权重)
9.4.14 Paste Vertex Weights(粘贴顶点权重)
9.4.15 Move Weights to Influences(移动权重到影响)
9.4.16 Reset Weights to Default(恢复默认权重)
9.4.17 Prune Small Weights(精减细微权重)
9.4.18 Remove Unused Influences(移除无用的影响)
9.4.19 Disable Weight Normalization(禁用权重归一化)
9.4.20 Enable Weight Normalization(启用权重归一化)
9.4.21 Normalize Weights(权重归一化)
9.4.22 Substitute Geometry(替换几何体)

9.5 Edit Rigid Skin(编辑刚性蒙皮)

9.5.1 Create Flexor(创建屈肌)
9.5.2 Copy Flexor(复制屈肌)
9.5.3 Reassign Bone Lattice Joint(重新指定骨骼晶格关节)
9.5.4 Preserve Skin Groups(保持蒙皮群组)

10 Constrain(约束)菜单

10.1 Point(点)约束

10.2 Aim(目标)约束

10.3 Orient(方向)约束

10.4 Scale(缩放)约束

10.5 Parent(父子)约束

10.6 Geometry(几何体)约束

10.7 Normal(法线)约束

10.8 Tangent(切线)约束

10.9 Point On Poly(多边形上的点)约束

10.10 Closest Point(最近的点)约束

10.11 Pole Vector(极向量)约束

10.12 Remove Target(移除目标)

10.13 Set Rest Position(设置静态位置)

10.14 Modify Constrained Axis(修改约束轴向)

11 Character(角色)菜单

11.1 Create Character Set(创建角色集)

11.2 Create Subcharacter Set(创建子角色集)

11.3 Character Mapper(角色映射)

11.4 Attribute Editor(属性编辑器)

11.5 Add to Character Set(添加到角色集)

11.6 Remove from Character Set(从角色集中移除)

11.7 Merge Charater Sets(合并角色集)

11.8 Select Character Set Node(选择角色集节点)

11.9 Select Character Set Members(选择角色集成员)

11.10 Set Current Character Set(设置当前角色集)

11.11 Redirect(重定向)

12 Muscle(肌肉)菜单

12.1 Muscles/Bones(肌肉/骨头)

12.1.1 Muscle Creator(肌肉创建器)
12.1.2 Convert Surface to Muscle/Bone(转换曲面到肌肉/骨头)
12.1.3 Make Capsule/Make Capsule with End Locator/Add End Locatorto Capsule(创建胶囊/创建带有末端定位器的胶囊/添加末端定位器到胶囊)
12.1.4 Generate Polygon Cylinders from Capsules(从胶囊生成多边形圆柱)
12.1.5 Delete Muscle Jiggle Cache(删除肌肉抖动缓存)
12.1.6 Fix Invalid Muscle Object nodes(修整无效肌肉对象节点)
12.1.7 Setup Master Muscle Control(建立主肌肉控制)

12.2 Simple Muscles(简单肌肉)

12.2.1 Muscle Builder(肌肉构建器)
12.2.2 Apply Muscle Spline Deformer(应用肌肉样条变形器)
12.2.3 Custom Muscle Shapes(自定义肌肉形状)
12.2.4 Reset Base Pose for Muscle Spline Deformer(重置肌肉样条变形器的基本姿势)
12.2.5 Apply Muscle Stretch Deformer(应用肌肉拉伸变形器)

12.3 Skin Setup(蒙皮设置)

12.3.1 Apply Muscle System Skin Deformer(应用肌肉系统皮肤变形器)
12.3.2 Convert Smooth Skin to Muscle System(转换平滑皮肤到肌肉系统)
12.3.3 Re-Initialize Setup Data on Muscle System(重新初始化肌肉系统的设置数据)
12.3.4 Bind Fat on Muscle System(在肌肉系统上结合脂肪)
12.3.5 Auto-Fix Invalid Sticky Bind Points(自动修整无效的粘连结合点)
12.3.6 Auto-Fix Deleted/Missing Muscles(自动修整删除的/丢失的肌肉)
12.3.7 Safe Delete History(安全删除历史)
12.3.8 Disconnect all Muscle Objects(断开所有肌肉对象)
12.3.9 Disconnect all Muscle Directions(断开所有肌肉方向)
12.3.10 Disconnect all Muscle Displaces(断开所有肌肉置换)
12.3.11 Disconnect all Muscle Smart Collides(断开所有肌肉智能碰撞)
12.3.12 Setup for Relative Sticky Deformation(设置相关粘连变形)
12.3.13 Set selected Muscles/Bones as Not Relative(以非相关的方式设置所选肌肉/骨头为不相关的)
12.3.14 Set selected Muscles/Bones as Relative(以相关的方式设置所选肌肉/骨头为相关的)

12.4 Muscle Objects(肌肉对象)

12.4.1 Connect selected Muscle Objects(连接所选肌肉对象)
12.4.2 Disconnect selected Muscle Objects(断开所选肌肉对象)
12.4.3 Delete selected Muscle Objects(删除所选肌肉对象)
12.4.4 Reset Base Pose for selected Muscle Objects(为所选肌肉对象重置基本姿势)
12.4.5 Create Base for selected Muscle Objects(为所选肌肉对象创建基本对象)
12.4.6 Re-Bind Sticky for selected Muscle Objects(为所选择的肌肉对象重新结合粘连)
12.4.7 Visualize Sticky Bind Distance for selected Muscle Objects(为所选择的肌肉对象可视化粘连结合距离)

12.5 Paint Muscle Weights(绘制肌肉权重)

12.6 Weighting(权重)

12.6.1 Apply Default Weights(应用默认权重)
12.6.2 Load/Save Weights(加载/保存权重)
12.6.3 Mirror Weights(镜像权重)
12.6.4 Transfer Weights(传递权重)
12.6.5 Prune Weights(精简权重)

12.7 Direction(方向)

12.7.1 Make Muscle Direction(创建肌肉方向)
12.7.2 Connect selected Muscle Directions(连接所选肌肉方向)
12.7.3 Disconnect selected Muscle Directions(断开所选肌肉方向)

12.8 Displace(置换)

12.8.1 Create Muscle Displace(创建肌肉置换)
12.8.2 Connect selected Muscle Displace nodes(连接所选肌肉置换节点)
12.8.3 Disconnect selected Muscle Displace nodes(断开所选肌肉置换节点)
12.8.4 Connect NURBS Curve to Muscle Displace(连接NURBS曲线到肌肉置换)
12.8.5 Disconnect NURBS Curve to Muscle Displace(从肌肉置换中断开NURBS曲线)
12.8.6 Create Maya Muscle Shader Network(创建Maya肌肉着色器网络)
12.8.7 Create Mental Ray mib_cMuscleShader Network(创建Mental Raymib_cMuscleShader网络)

12.9 Smart Collision(智能碰撞)

12.9.1 Create Muscle Smart Collide(创建肌肉智能碰撞)
12.9.2 Connect selected Muscle Smart Collide nodes(连接所选择的肌肉智能碰撞节点)
12.9.3 Disconnect selected Muscle Smart Collide nodes(断开所选择的肌肉智能碰撞节点)

12.10 Self/Multi Collision(自身/多重碰撞)

12.10.1 Self Collision Grouping(自碰撞组)
12.10.2 Apply Muscle Multi Collide Deformer(应用肌肉多重碰撞变形器)
12.10.3 Rig selection for KeepOut(为KeepOut装配选项)
12.10.4 Connect Muscles to KeepOut(将肌肉连接到KeepOut)
12.10.5 Disconnect Muscle from KeepOut(从KeepOut断开肌肉)

12.11 Caching(缓存)

12.11.1 Set Location of File Cache(设置文件缓存位置)
12.11.2 Create Cache(创建缓存)
12.11.3 Delete Node Cache(删除节点缓存)
12.11.4 Delete Per-Point Skin Jiggle Cache(删除每点蒙皮抖动缓存)

12.12 Selection(选择)

12.13 Bonus Rigging(额外装配)

12.13.1 Create Muscle Spline(创建肌肉样条)
12.13.2 Surface Attach(曲面依附)
12.13.3 Fix Surface Attach to allow for Poly Smooth(修正曲面依附到允许的平滑多边形)

13 Animation Layer(动画层)编辑器

13.1 菜单栏

13.1.1 Layers(层)菜单
13.1.2 Options(选项)菜单
13.1.3 Show(显示)菜单

13.2 工具栏

13.3 动画层面板

13.3.1 Animation Layer Buttons(动画层按钮)
13.3.2 Active Keying feedback(激活关键帧反馈)
13.3.3 Weight slider(权重滑块)

13.4 动画层的使用(案例)

14 Animation Editors(动画编辑器)

14.1 Trax Editor(非线性编辑器)

14.1.1 菜单栏
14.1.2 工具栏
14.1.3 控制区域
14.1.4 视图区域

14.2 Camera Sequencer(摄影机序列)

14.2.1 菜单栏
14.2.2 工具栏
14.2.3 时间线和播放控制

14.3 Dope Sheet(信息清单)

14.3.1 菜单栏
14.3.2 工具栏
14.3.3 大纲
14.3.4 视图区域

14.4 Expression Editor(表达式编辑器)





