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[ARM] Accelerate computing on Android

AndroidOnARM Computing
2023-09-27 14:23:24 时间




From: 代码Android端加速

1. OpenCL优化(GPU)


Ref: 在Android Studio上使用OpenCL

    1. 判断手机是否支持OpenCL
    2. Google可能不太喜欢OpenCL,需要自己配置。

More details: Android OpenCL测试程序,使用dlopen动态加载libOpenCL.so库


2. NEON指令集优化(并行)



第二种写起来会比较费劲,但加速效果会非常恐怖(前提是要对汇编指令足够熟悉)。 而这两种方法对于使用opencv的函数却没法优化。




Ref: Optimizing C Code with Neon Intrinsics

Ref: A Software Library for Computer Vision and Machine Learning


  • 配置为NEON模式编译

Build for Android: https://arm-software.github.io/ComputeLibrary/v19.11.1/index.xhtml#S3_3_android


  • 集成进工程

相关问题:how to build for android #300

Did you manage to use ACL in your project?
There shouldn't be anything different from other libraries (Except that you might need to link against OpenCL if you're using it, in which case it will not work on Android O and after).

It means that because of some added security now applications can only link against system libraries that have been explicitly whitelisted by the manufacturer.
Therefore, even if OpenCL is available on your platform, you're unlikely to be able to use it in an App


相关问题:How to use the Binaries release (android version) ? #434


├── android-arm64-v8a-cl
├── android-arm64-v8a-cl-asserts
├── android-arm64-v8a-cl-debug
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon
│ ├── libarm_compute_core.so
│ ├── libarm_compute_core-static.a
│ ├── libarm_compute_graph.so
│ ├── libarm_compute_graph-static.a
│ ├── libarm_compute.so
│ └── libarm_compute-static.a
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon-asserts
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon-cl
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon-cl-asserts
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon-cl-debug
├── android-arm64-v8a-neon-debug
├── android-armv7a-cl
├── android-armv7a-cl-asserts
├── android-armv7a-cl-debug
├── android-armv7a-neon
├── android-armv7a-neon-asserts
├── android-armv7a-neon-cl
├── android-armv7a-neon-cl-asserts
├── android-armv7a-neon-cl-debug
└── android-armv7a-neon-debug


Ref: Arm NN 软件开发套件

libarm_compute.so, libarm_compute_core.so, libarm_compute_graph.so


集成到 Android 项目中。

In order to use the compute library on Android there are few steps to follow to make everything working. Before starting to present the necessary steps, I would suggest to use the static libs of arm compute library (i.e. libarm_compute-static.a) rather than the dynamic ones and to use the arm compute library only with NEON acceleration as there are extra steps to follow for OpenCL.
Following I reported few necessary steps for using the arm compute library on Android. Hope this can help you.

1: Add pre-built library for arm compute library in CMakeLists.txt along with the include directory You could have something like this: // Add includes for arm_compute include_directories(${PATH_ARM_COMPUTE}/include) // Add prebuilt library for arm_compute add_library( lib_arm_compute STATIC IMPORTED ) set_target_properties(lib_arm_compute PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${PATH_ARM_COMPUTE}/libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/libarm_compute-static.a) ... target_link_libraries( native-lib lib_arm_compute ${log-lib} ) where PATH_ARM_COMPUTE is the path to your arm_compute folder
Step2: Add necessary includes
in your .cpp file located in the JNI folder #include "arm_compute/runtime/NEON/NEFunctions.h" #include "arm_compute/runtime/CPP/CPPScheduler.h"
: Write your example
in Java_com_chenleiblogs_mlopencl_ml_1opencl_MainActivity_stringFromJNI( function In the arm compute library we have few examples which could be used (examples/ folder). Have a look at for instance to neon_convolution example. This should be a good example to integrate in your app.



/* implement */