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2023-09-27 14:20:41 时间






💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Python&Matlab代码、数据、文章讲解

💥1 概述





📚2 运行结果





% One Week
figure('Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);
plot(ideal_solar(1:168), 'g.-');
hold on;
plot(real_solar(1:168), 'r.-');
title({'Comparision of Ideal and Real PV Value',' (1991-01-01~1991-01-07)'});
ylabel('Energy (Wh)');
legend('ideal PV', 'real PV', 'Location', 'southoutside','Orientation','horizontal');
% One Year
figure('Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);
plot(ideal_solar, 'g.');
hold on;
plot(real_solar, 'r.');
title({'Comparision of Ideal and Real PV Value',' (1991-01-01~1991-12-31)'});
ylabel('Energy (Wh)');
legend('ideal PV', 'real PV', 'Location', 'southoutside','Orientation','horizontal');

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Plot Different Models
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% 3 Scenarios
figure('Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);
plot(cumsum(sp3_2), 'g.');
hold on;
plot(cumsum(sp8_2), 'r.');
title({'Comparision of 3 Scenarios and 8 Scenarios'});
ylabel('Cumulative Sum of Year-long Energy (Wh)');
legend('3S', '8S', 'Location', 'southoutside','Orientation','horizontal');

figure('Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);
plot(cumsum(sp3_2), 'g.');
hold on;
plot(cumsum(sp3_3), 'r.');
title({'Comparision of 3 Scenarios with Repeating Second Stage or Not'});
ylabel('Cumulative Sum of Year-long Energy (Wh)');
legend('Repeat', 'Non-Repeat', 'Location', 'southoutside','Orientation','horizontal');
% plot difference

% plot with look day ahead
figure('Position', [100, 100, 600, 400]);
plot(cumsum(sp3_24), 'g.');
hold on;
plot(cumsum(sp3_2), 'r.');
title({'Comparision 1-hour Ahead and 24-hour Ahead in 3 scenarios'});
ylabel('Cumulative Sum of Year-long Energy (Wh)');
legend('24-hour Ahead', '1-hour Ahead', 'Location', 'southoutside','Orientation','horizontal');


🎉3 参考文献


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[Cle96] S. Clearwater, editor. Market-Based Control: A Paradigm for Distributed Resource
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nism of the Smart Grids. 2010 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Sym-
posium Workshops, pages 312–315, 2010.
[5] R. Duan and G. Deconinck. Market Mechanism of Smart Grids: Multi-agent Model
and Interoperability. In International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control,
volume 0, pages 8–13, 2011.
[6] A.L. Dimeas and N.D. Hatziargyriou. Operation of a Multiagent System for Microgrid
Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20(3):1447–1455, August 2005.
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Artificial Intelligence, 2001. 

🌈4 Python&Matlab代码、数据、文章讲解