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2023-09-27 14:20:39 时间

OpenMMLab website HOT      OpenMMLab platform TRY IT OUT

OpenMMLab builds the most influential open-source computer vision algorithm system in the deep learning era. It aims to

  • provide high-quality libraries to reduce the difficulties in algorithm reimplementation
  • create efficient deployment toolchains targeting a variety of backends and devices
  • build a solid foundation for computer vision research and development
  • bridge the gap between academic research and industrial applications with full-stack toolchains

Based on PyTorch, OpenMMLab develops MMEngine to provide universal training and evaluation engine, and MMCV to provide neural network operators and data transforms, which serves as a foundation of the whole project. Since the initial release in October 2018, OpenMMLab has released 30+ vision libraries, has implemented 300+ algorithms, and contains 2000+ pre-trained models.

Check our tutorials videos (in Chinese) to get started.


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