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Mac 实现Jenkins CICD

JenkinsMac 实现 CICD
2023-09-11 14:22:10 时间

Mac 安装jenkins

brew services start jenkins

Mac 安装jenkins

Jenkins can be installed using the Homebrew package manager. Homebrew formula: jenkins-lts This is a package supported by a third party which may be not as frequently updated as packages supported by the Jenkins project directly.

Sample commands:

  • Install the latest LTS version: brew install jenkins-lts
  • Install a specific LTS version: brew install jenkins-lts@YOUR_VERSION
  • Start the Jenkins service: brew services start jenkins-lts
  • Restart the Jenkins service: brew services restart jenkins-lts
  • Update the Jenkins version: brew upgrade jenkins-lts

After starting the Jenkins service, browse to http://localhost:8080 and follow the instructions to complete the installation. Also see the external materials for installation guidelines. For example, this blogpost describes the installation process.

Native Installer (deprecated) 

Jenkins project used to provide a native installer for macOS. This installer is now deprecated, and it will not be shipped for future versions of Jenkins. It is possible to retrieve installer versions for older releases from the archive.






