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Google Earth Engine ——MOD09A1 V6产品提供了Terra MODIS 1-7带500米分辨率的表面光谱反射率的估计,并对大气条件如气体、气溶胶和瑞利散射进行了校正!

Google产品 进行 条件 提供 Engine Earth 分辨率
2023-09-11 14:15:12 时间

The MOD09A1 V6 product provides an estimate of the surface spectral reflectance of Terra MODIS bands 1-7 at 500m resolution and corrected for atmospheric conditions such as gasses, aerosols, and Rayleigh scattering. Along with the seven reflectance bands is a quality layer and four observation bands. For each pixel, a value is selected from all the acquisitions within the 8-day composite on the basis of high observation coverage, low view angle, the absence of clouds or cloud shadow, and aerosol loading.


MOD09A1 V6产品提供了Terra MODIS 1-7带500米分辨率的表面光谱反射率的估计,并对大气条件如气体、气溶胶和瑞利散射进行了校正。与七个反射带一起的是一个质量层和四个观测带。对于每个像素,根据高观测覆盖率、低视角、无云或云影以及气溶胶负荷,从8天合成的所有采集中选择一个值。





Dataset Availability

2000-03-05T00:00:00 - 2021-09-14T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



500 meters

Bands Table

sur_refl_b01Surface reflectance for band 1-10016000620-670nm0.0001
sur_refl_b02Surface reflectance for band 2-10016000841-876nm0.0001
sur_refl_b03Surface reflectance for band 3-10016000459-479nm0.0001
sur_refl_b04Surface reflectance for band 4-10016000545-565nm0.0001
sur_refl_b05Surface reflectance for band 5-100160001230-1250nm0.0001
sur_refl_b06Surface reflectance for band 6-100160001628-1652nm0.0001
sur_refl_b07Surface reflectance for band 7-100160002105-2155nm0.0001
QASurface reflectance 500m band quality control flags0
QA Bitmask
  • Bits 0-1: MODLAND QA bits
    • 0: Corrected product produced at ideal quality - all bands
    • 1: Corrected product produced at less than ideal quality - some or all bands
    • 2: Corrected product not produced due to cloud effects - all bands
    • 3: Corrected product not produced for other reasons - some or all bands, may be fill value (11) [Note that a value of (11) overrides a value of (01)]
  • Bits 2-5: Band 1 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 6-9: Band 2 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 10-13: Band 3 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 14-17: Band 4 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 18-21: Band 5 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 22-25: Band 6 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bits 26-29: Band 7 data quality, four bit range
    • 0: Highest quality
    • 7: Noisy detector
    • 8: Dead detector, data interpolated in L1B
    • 9: Solar zenith ≥ 86 degrees
    • 10: Solar zenith ≥ 85 and < 86 degrees
    • 11: Missing input
    • 12: Internal constant used in place of climatological data for at least one atmospheric constant
    • 13: Correction out of bounds, pixel constrained to extreme allowable value
    • 14: L1B data faulty
    • 15: Not processed due to deep ocean or clouds
  • Bit 30: Atmospheric correction performed
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bit 31: Adjacency correction performed
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
SolarZenithMODIS Solar zenith angle018000Degrees0.01
ViewZenithMODIS view zenith angle018000Degrees0.01
RelativeAzimuthMODIS relative azimuth angle-1800018000Degrees0.01
StateQASurface reflectance 500m state flags0
StateQA Bitmask
  • Bits 0-1: Cloud state
    • 0: Clear
    • 1: Cloudy
    • 2: Mixed
    • 3: Not set, assumed clear
  • Bit 2: Cloud shadow
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bits 3-5: Land/water flag
    • 0: Shallow ocean
    • 1: Land
    • 2: Ocean coastlines and lake shorelines
    • 3: Shallow inland water
    • 4: Ephemeral water
    • 5: Deep inland water
    • 6: Continental/moderate ocean
    • 7: Deep ocean
  • Bits 6-7: Aerosol quantity
    • 0: Climatology
    • 1: Low
    • 2: Average
    • 3: High
  • Bits 8-9: Cirrus detected
    • 0: None
    • 1: Small
    • 2: Average
    • 3: High
  • Bit 10: Internal cloud algorithm flag
    • 0: No cloud
    • 1: Cloud
  • Bit 11: Internal fire algorithm flag
    • 0: No fire
    • 1: Fire
  • Bit 12: MOD35 snow/ice flag
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bit 13: Pixel is adjacent to cloud
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bit 14: BRDF correction performed data
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
  • Bit 15: Internal snow mask
    • 0: No snow
    • 1: Snow
DayOfYearJulian day of the year for the pixel13660

 使用说明:MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.


LP DAAC - MOD09A1LP DAAC - MOD09A1https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD09A1.006