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Fiddler 2 Wipes My Internet Explorer Proxy Settings

my Proxy Fiddler settings Internet Explorer
2023-09-11 14:14:17 时间

Fiddler 2 Wipes My Internet Explorer Proxy Settings



Fiddler changes your proxy settings on startup and reverts them back to what they were before you started when Fiddler is closed.

However, that doesn't really explain your problem, because when Fiddler is running it will use your old proxy server as an upstream proxy, and when you shut it down, it reverts the settings back to what they were before.

If you don't want to use Fiddler with IE, uncheck the "Act as system proxy" checkbox inside Tools / Fiddler Options; note that you'll need to manually configure your application or framework (e.g. .NET) to use as a proxy though.




