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cuda 编程 (二) helloworld 打印 blockIdx和threadIdx

编程 打印 CUDA HelloWorld
2023-09-14 09:15:52 时间
#include <stdio.h>

__global__ void hello_from_gpu()
    const int bid = blockIdx.x;
    const int tid = threadIdx.x;
    printf("Hello World from block %d and thread %d!\n", bid, tid);

int main(void)
    hello_from_gpu<<<2, 4>>>();
    return 0;

nvcc hello4.cu -o hello4
Hello World from block 1 and thread 0!
Hello World from block 1 and thread 1!
Hello World from block 1 and thread 2!
Hello World from block 1 and thread 3!
Hello World from block 0 and thread 0!
Hello World from block 0 and thread 1!
Hello World from block 0 and thread 2!
Hello World from block 0 and thread 3!