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SQL and Database Systems 基本知识

DatabaseSQL and 基本知识 Systems
2023-09-14 09:13:33 时间

Relational Database Basic Concepts

- Databases

Relational Databases Management System consists of one or more databases.

- Entity

Entities are converted to tables as the physical design stage.

- Data Type

The common data type are boolean ,integer,float,currency,string,date and time.


DDL stands for Data Definition language. DDL commands can be used to create,modify database structures,Sample commands are CREATE,ALTER and DROP.

- DML 

DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. DML commands can be used to insert data into database tables,retrieve or modify data,deleting data in database.Sample DML commands are INSERT,DELETE and UPDATE.

- DCL 

DCL stands for Data Control Language. DCL commands can be used to create rights and permissions. Sample DCL commands are GRANT and REVOKE.

- Query

SQL developers can use a query to get data or information from one or more database tables.

- Attributes

Types of Attributes:

    - Simple attribute 

    An attribute that cannot be divided into subparts.

   - Composite attribute

    An attribute that can be divided into simple attributes.

   - Derived attribute

    An attribute whose value can be derived(calculated) from other attribute.

   - Single-value attribute

   An attribute contains a single value.

   - Multi-value attribute

   An attribute have more than one values.

- Tables

Each database contains collection of tables.

- Fields(Columns)

Each table consists of smaller entities called fields or columns.

- Records(Rows)

Each table consists of one or more records(rows)

- Primary Key

Each table can have only one primary key.

- Foreign Key

Database tables might be related by (foreign key) common column(s)


Null value is a field with no value.

- Constraints

Constraints define rules to restrict what values can be stored in columns.

Common Constraints


  A column does not accept NULL values.


 Set a default value to a column when no value is specified to a column.


No duplicated values in a column

- Primary Key

A column or a combination of columns that uniquely defines a row.The primary key column can not contain a NULL value.

- Foreign Key

A foreign key in one table point to a candidate key in another table.


Check whether the value is valid or not

- Data Integrity

 - Entity Integrity

   No duplicate records in a table

 - Referential Integrity

   Referential integrity is violated when deleting a row that is referenced by a foreign key in another table.

- Entity Relational Diagram(ERD)

- Types of Relationships

  - One-to-Many Relationships

  - Many-to-Many Relationships

  - One-to-One Relationships

  - Self-Referencing Relationships