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2023-09-14 09:10:43 时间

Deep learning solves this central problem in representation learning by introducing representations that are expressed in terms of other, simpler representations. Deep learning allows the computer to build complex concepts out of simpler concepts. Figure 1.2 shows how a deep learning system can represent the concept of an image of a person by combining simpler concepts, such as corners and contours, which are in turn defined in terms of edges. 


1.2 Illustration of a deep learning model. It is difficult for a computer to understand the meaning of raw sensory input data, such as this image represented as a collection of pixel values. The function mapping from a set of pixels to an object identity is very complicated. Learning or evaluating this mapping seems insurmountable if tackled directly. Deep learning resolves this difficulty by breaking the desired complicated mapping into a series of nested simple mappings, each described by a different layer of the model. The input is presented at the visible layer, so named because it contains the variables that we are able to observe. Then a series of hidden layers extracts increasingly abstract features from the image. These layers are called “hidden” because their values are not given in the data; instead the model must determine which concepts are useful for explaining the relationships in the observed data. The images here are visualizations of the kind of feature represented by each hidden unit. Given the pixels, the first layer can easily identify edges, by comparing the brightness of neighboring pixels. Given the first hidden
layer’s description of the edges, the second hidden layer can easily search for corners and extended contours, which are recognizable as collections of edges. Given the second hidden layer’s description of the image in terms of corners and contours, the third hidden layer can detect entire parts of specific objects, by finding specific collections of contours and corners. Finally, this description of the image in terms of the object parts it contains can be used to recognize the objects present in the image. Images reproduced with permission from Zeiler and Fergus (2014). 


观测数据中有用的关系。在这里,每个隐藏层都表示图片一些可视化的特征。通过可视层输入像素值,第一层很容易使用像素明暗比较来识别边缘,第一隐藏层从可视层输入边缘特征,就可以表示边缘的特征集合。第二隐藏层很容易从第一隐藏层输入的边缘集合里搜索到边角和轮廓。第三隐藏层通过第二隐藏层输入的边角和轮廓,就很容易检测到物体的全部特征。最后物体的全部特征就可以用来识别这个图片表达的内容。允许转载的图像来自Zeiler and Fergus (2014) 。

1. TensorFlow API攻略

2. TensorFlow入门基本教程

3. C++标准模板库从入门到精通 


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