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3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 6.2.9 PFCP Node Report Procedure

Node TS 对照 中英文 report 3GPP 6.2 procedure
2023-09-14 09:09:09 时间


个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 29244-g30过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


6.2.9 PFCP Node Report Procedure PFCP节点报告过程 General

The PFCP Node Report procedure shall be used by the UP function to report information to the CP function which is not related to a specific PFCP session, e.g. to report a user plane path failure affecting all the PFCP sessions towards a remote GTP-U peer.

UP功能应使用PFCP Node Report程序向CP功能报告与特定PFCP会话无关的信息,例如,向远端GTP-U对等报告影响所有PFCP会话的用户平面路径故障。 UP Function Behaviour UP功能行为

The UP function shall initiate the PFCP Node Report procedure to report information to the CP function. The UP function:

UP功能应启动PFCP Node Report程序,向CP功能报告信息。UP功能:

- shall send the PFCP Node Report Request message, including the information to be reported.

-应发送PFCP Node Report Request报文,包括需要上报的信息。

When the UP function receives a PFCP Node Report Response with the cause success, the UP function shall consider the information successfully delivered to the CP function.

当UP功能收到原因成功的PFCP Node Report Response时,UP功能应考虑成功传送给CP功能的信息。 CP Function behaviour CP功能行为

When the CP function receives a PFCP Node Report Request message, it shall:

CP功能收到PFCP Node Report Request报文时,应:

- process the information being reported as appropriate and send a PFCP Node Report Response with the cause "success";

-处理所报告的信息,并发送PFCP Node Report Response,原因为“success”;

- otherwise return an appropriate error cause value.
