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MATLAB规划算法代码 实现 环境 路径 一种
2023-09-14 09:05:20 时间







💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

 2.1 场景1

 2.2 场景2

2.3 场景3

 2.4 场景4

2.5 场景5 

2.6 场景6

🌈3 Matlab代码、数据、文章讲解

🎉4 参考文献

💥1 概述


📚2 运行结果

 2.1 场景1

 2.2 场景2

2.3 场景3

 2.4 场景4


2.5 场景5 


2.6 场景6





function T = init_Tree(start,goal)
T.v(1).x = start(1);         % start point
T.v(1).y = start(2); 
T.v(1).theta = start(3); % start orientation

T.v(1).xPrev = start(1);     % parent node for start point
T.v(1).yPrev = start(2);
T.v(1).thetaPrev = start(3);   % parent node orietation

T.v(1).dist=0;          % RRT tree node 1 attribute of distance
T.v(1).angle=0;% RRT tree node 1 attribute of angle change
T.v(1).dist_angle=0; % distance + angle change
T.v(1).Potential_value=0;  % RRT tree node 1 attribute of potential value
T.v(1).Dist_Angle_PFvalue=0;% distance + angle change + potential value

T.v(1).indPrev = 0;     %% RRT tree node 1 attribute of previous node index
T.v(1).path_flag = true;% if the node is within the path
T.v(1).valid = true;  %  if the node is active
T.v(1).Heuristic = norm([goal(1)-start(1) ,goal(2)-start(2)]);% RRT tree node heuristic value, to goal Euclidean distance
T.v(1).toGoal = norm(start(1,1:2) - goal); % estimation distance to goal for start point = cost to come + cost to go
T.v(1).series = zeros(16,3); % trajectory points for node 1

function [ChooseNeighbor_Rang, rewiring_range, minimal_rewiring_range, plot_flag, flag_rand_goal, coef_angle, Circle_radius, div_n, diff_margin] = Init_Parameter(Goal)
ChooseNeighbor_Rang = 220; % Neighbor range
rewiring_range = 280; % Rewire range
minimal_rewiring_range = 180; % Minimal rewire range
plot_flag = false; % plot flag
flag_rand_goal = false;     % random sample flag
coef_angle = 40; %  coefficient of angle
Circle_radius =60; % vehicle turing circle
div_n = 15; % segment division
diff_margin = 20; % optimal trajectory cost update margin

🌈3 Matlab代码、数据、文章讲解

🎉4 参考文献


[1]Hongqing Tian, Boqi Li, Heye Huang, Ling Han (2022) A driving risk-aversive motion planning algorithm for vehicles in off-road environment.