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Greenplum 资源隔离的原理与源码分析

资源源码原理 分析 隔离 GreenPlum
2023-09-14 09:04:38 时间




Greenplum为了降低并发query之间的资源争抢,设计了一套基于resource queue的资源管理方法。

每个resource queue定义了资源的使用或限制模式,根据用户的用途将用户指派给resource queue,这样就起到了资源管理的目的。

例如将分析师、跑报表的、ETL分为三用户。根据这三类用户的预期资源使用情况,以及任务的优先级,规划三类资源管理的队列。分别将三类用户和三类resource queue绑定,起到资源控制的作用。

resource queue的创建语法


支持的资源隔离类别 active_statements, 该queue同时可以运行的query数量。 max_cost,指资源组内所有正在运行的query的评估成本的最大值。 cost_overcommit,当系统空闲时,是否允许该queue的query总cost超出设定的max_cost。 min_cost 指低于该值的QUERY不计入该queue 的cost成本,也不排队,而是直接执行。 priority , 用于平衡各个QUEUE之间的CPU争抢使用,分为5个等级,每个等级设定了响应的weight,间隔一定的时间判断使用的资源是否达到了weight,然后对该queue 的query使用pg_usleep进行抑制。 mem_limit , 为队列中单个segment query(s)允许的最大statement(s)运行内存。

创建resource queue时必须设置active_statements与max_cost之一。

只有超级用户能创建和修改resource queue。

绑定角色与resource queue

resource queue用法举例


postgres=# create resource queue min with (active_statements=3, priority=min);


postgres=# create resource queue max with (active_statements=1, priority=max);


postgres=# create role max login encrypted password 123 resource queue max;


postgres=# create role min login encrypted password 123 resource queue min;



#define PG_RESRCTYPE_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS 1 /* rsqcountlimit: count */

#define PG_RESRCTYPE_MAX_COST 2 /* rsqcostlimit: max_cost */

#define PG_RESRCTYPE_MIN_COST 3 /* rsqignorecostlimit: min_cost */

#define PG_RESRCTYPE_COST_OVERCOMMIT 4 /* rsqovercommit: cost_overcommit*/

 /* start of "pg_resourcetype" entries... */

#define PG_RESRCTYPE_PRIORITY 5 /* backoff.c: priority queue */

#define PG_RESRCTYPE_MEMORY_LIMIT 6 /* memquota.c: memory quota */




typedef struct PriorityMapping

 const char *priorityVal;

 int weight;

} PriorityMapping;

const struct PriorityMapping priority_map[] = {

 {"MAX", 1000000},

 {"HIGH", 1000},

 {"MEDIUM", 500},

 {"LOW", 200},

 {"MIN", 100},

 /* End of list marker */

 {NULL, 0}




 * This is information that only the current backend ever needs to see.

typedef struct BackoffBackendLocalEntry

 int processId; /* Process Id of backend */

 struct rusage startUsage; /* Usage when current statement began. To account for caching of backends. */

 struct rusage lastUsage; /* Usage statistics when backend process performed local backoff action */

 double lastSleepTime; /* Last sleep time when local backing-off action was performed */

 int counter; /* Local counter is used as an approx measure of time */

 bool inTick; /* Is backend currently performing tick? - to prevent nested calls */

 bool groupingTimeExpired; /* Should backend try to find better leader? */

} BackoffBackendLocalEntry;



 * There is a backend entry for every backend with a valid backendid on the master and segments.

typedef struct BackoffBackendSharedEntry

 struct StatementId statementId; /* A statement Id. Can be invalid. */

 int groupLeaderIndex; /* Who is my leader? */

 int groupSize; /* How many in my group ? */

 int numFollowers; /* How many followers do I have? */

 /* These fields are written by backend and read by sweeper process */

 struct timeval lastCheckTime; /* Last time the backend process performed local back-off action.

 Used to determine inactive backends. */

 /* These fields are written to by sweeper and read by backend */

 bool noBackoff; /* If set, then no backoff to be performed by this backend */

 double targetUsage; /* Current target CPU usage as calculated by sweeper */

 bool earlyBackoffExit; /* Sweeper asking backend to stop backing off */

 /* These fields are written to and read by sweeper */

 bool isActive; /* Sweeper marking backend as active based on lastCheckTime */

 int numFollowersActive; /* If backend is a leader, this represents number of followers that are active */

 /* These fields are wrtten by backend during init and by manual adjustment */

 int weight; /* Weight of this statement */

} BackoffBackendSharedEntry;

#define DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME 100.0


 /* Provide tracing information */

 PG_TRACE1(backoff__localcheck, MyBackendId);

 if (gettimeofday( currentTime, NULL) 0)

 elog(ERROR, "Unable to execute gettimeofday(). Please disable query prioritization.");

 if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, currentUsage) 0)

 elog(ERROR, "Unable to execute getrusage(). Please disable query prioritization.");



 if (!se- noBackoff)

 /* How much did the cpu work on behalf of this process - incl user and sys time */

 thisProcessTime = TIMEVAL_DIFF_USEC(currentUsage.ru_utime, le- lastUsage.ru_utime)

 + TIMEVAL_DIFF_USEC(currentUsage.ru_stime, le- lastUsage.ru_stime);

 /* Absolute cpu time since the last check. This accounts for multiple procs per segment */

 totalTime = TIMEVAL_DIFF_USEC(currentTime, se- lastCheckTime);

 cpuRatio = thisProcessTime / totalTime;

 cpuRatio = Min(cpuRatio, 1.0);

 changeFactor = cpuRatio / se- targetUsage; // 和priority的weight有关, 

 // 和参数gp_resqueue_priority_cpucores_per_segment有关, double CPUAvailable = numProcsPerSegment(); 有关, 

 // se- targetUsage = (CPUAvailable) * (se- weight) / activeWeight / gl- numFollowersActive;

 le- lastSleepTime *= changeFactor; // 计算是否需要sleep

 if (le- lastSleepTime DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME)

 le- lastSleepTime = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME;


 memcpy( le- lastUsage, currentUsage, sizeof(currentUsage));

 memcpy( se- lastCheckTime, currentTime, sizeof(currentTime));

 if (le- lastSleepTime MIN_SLEEP_THRESHOLD) // 计算是否需要sleep

 * Sleeping happens in chunks so that the backend may exit early from its sleep if the sweeper requests it to.

 int j =0;

 long sleepInterval = ((long) gp_resqueue_priority_sweeper_interval) * 1000L;

 int numIterations = (int) (le- lastSleepTime / sleepInterval);

 double leftOver = (double) ((long) le- lastSleepTime % sleepInterval);

 for (j=0;j numIterations;j++)

 /* Sleep a chunk */

 pg_usleep(sleepInterval); // 休眠

 /* Check for early backoff exit */

 if (se- earlyBackoffExit)

 le- lastSleepTime = DEFAULT_SLEEP_TIME; /* Minimize sleep time since we may need to recompute from scratch */


 if (j==numIterations)





 * Under certain conditions, we want to avoid backoff. Cases are:

 * 1. A statement just entered or exited

 * 2. A statements weight changed due to user intervention via gp_adjust_priority()

 * 3. There is no active backend

 * 4. There is exactly one statement

 * 5. Total number valid of backends = number of procs per segment(gp_resqueue_priority_cpucores_per_segment 参数设置)

 * Case 1 and 2 are approximated by checking if total statement weight changed since last sweeper loop.




postgres=# set gp_debug_resqueue_priority=on;

postgres=# set client_min_messages =debug;

查询当前的resource queue priority 

postgres=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resq_priority_statement;

 rqpdatname | rqpusename | rqpsession | rqpcommand | rqppriority | rqpweight | rqpquery 


 postgres | digoal | 21 | 1 | MAX | 1000000 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);

 postgres | digoal | 22 | 1 | MAX | 1000000 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);

 postgres | digoal | 23 | 1 | MAX | 1000000 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);

 postgres | digoal | 24 | 1 | MAX | 1000000 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);

 postgres | digoal | 25 | 1 | MAX | 1000000 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);

 postgres | digoal | 26 | 65 | MAX | 1000000 | select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resq_priority_statement;

(6 rows)

设置,可以直接设置priority的别名(MIN, MAX, LOW, HIGH, MEDIAM),或者使用数字设置weight。 

postgres=# select gp_adjust_priority(21,1,MIN);

LOG: changing weight of (21:1) from 1000000 to 100



(1 row)

postgres=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resq_priority_statement;

 rqpdatname | rqpusename | rqpsession | rqpcommand | rqppriority | rqpweight | rqpquery 


 postgres | digoal | 21 | 1 | MIN | 100 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);


postgres=# select gp_adjust_priority(21,1,600);

postgres=# select * from gp_toolkit.gp_resq_priority_statement;

 rqpdatname | rqpusename | rqpsession | rqpcommand | rqppriority | rqpweight | rqpquery 


 postgres | digoal | 21 | 1 | NON-STANDARD | 600 | select pg_sleep(1000000) from gp_dist_random(gp_id);



 * An interface to re-weigh an existing session on the master and all backends.

 * Input:

 * session id - what session is statement on?

 * command count - what is the command count of statement.

 * priority value - text, what should be the new priority of this statement.

 * Output:

 * number of backends whose weights were changed by this call.



 int32 session_id = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);

 int32 command_count = PG_GETARG_INT32(1);

 Datum dVal = PG_GETARG_DATUM(2);

 char *priorityVal = NULL;

 int wt = 0;

 priorityVal = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, dVal));

 if (!priorityVal)

 elog(ERROR, "Invalid priority value specified.");

 wt = BackoffPriorityValueToInt(priorityVal);



 return DirectFunctionCall3(gp_adjust_priority_int, Int32GetDatum(session_id),

 Int32GetDatum(command_count), Int32GetDatum(wt));


前面讲的是Greenplum通过自带的resource queue来控制资源使用的情况,但是Greenplum控制的资源种类有限,有没有更细粒度的控制方法呢?


可以做到对cpu, memory, iops, network的细粒度控制。


cpu: 分若干个等级 memory: 分若干个等级 iops: 分若干个等级 network: 分若干个等级


然后获得会话对应的所有节点的backend pid,将backend pid move到对应的cgroup即可。

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