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SAP Cloud for Customer Cloud Application Studio implementation manager

SAPCloudStudio for application Manager Customer implementation
2023-09-14 09:03:51 时间

SAP maintains the upgrade to a new version to ensure high quality upgrade of the customer’s production tenant and test tenants.

The upgrade does not have any impact on your customer-specific solution. However, during the upgrade
process you cannot continue development.



After the tenants have been upgraded, you continue working on your solution in the studio version that
matches the SAP upgraded cloud solution version. For example, if the SAP cloud solution has been upgraded
from version 2002 (Feb 2020) to version 2005 (May 2020), you continue working with the studio version

简单的说,Cloud Application Studio 和 SAP Cloud for Customer tenant的版本要一致。

Tenant升级完毕后,Partners需要更新自己的Cloud Application Studio,以适配升级后的tenant版本。

2102版本的Cloud Application Studio,已经可以查看下列操作的进度条了:

  • patch创建
  • 激活
  • solution upload / import

Implementation manager里查看当前solution的状态:
