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介绍 自己 英语
2023-09-14 09:02:57 时间

Tell us a little bit more about your life outside of work (if you feel comfortable) – such as hobbies, family, what you enjoy doing in your spare time

I am a programmer and sit in front of laptop with the same gesture for programming more than 8 hours every day, and thus may easily get trouble with our shoulder and neck. So I developed a habit which can prevent such illness: nunchukas

I’ve sent you a photo of my nunchakus. The first one on the left is made of sponge, so it is very light and proper for learning some dangerous actions — for example, those with the head involved. The second one is made of wood, which is heavier than the sponge one but still lighter than the other two, which are made of steel. I prefer to use the steel ones, since they are more stable, which means easier to use, but if your skill is not good enough to control the rotation of the steel sticks, sometimes they will unexpectedly hit you and it really hurts.


I have written a blog and posted on Wechat platform about my story: how an SAP developer learn nunchakus from the beginning. The article link is here.

I shared my story to my colleagues in one of our Toast Master club activities and all attendees are deeply impressed with my nunchakus skills.

I use ABAP and Java in my daily work, and perform breast swim and freestyle swim in my spare time. I love swimming. I do find there are simularity and difference within these two pairs, so I compare their features in this article:
