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SAP Cloud for Customer跨component的跳转

SAPCloud for 跳转 Component Customer
2023-09-14 09:03:00 时间

SAP CRM WebUI里的跨UI component跳转大家都很熟悉了,常见的场景是从search result的hyperlink里点击进入overview page.

在C4C里, end user也是通过同样的方式从search result进入overview page, 实现的方式和CRM WebUI稍有不同,search result 和overview 通过一个叫thing type的model联系起来,search result 里的一个hyperlink field绑到了thing type, thing type又绑定了overview page ( C4C里叫thing insepctor ), 这样runtime的时候,C4C的UI框架(名叫Oberon)就能通过thing type解析出navigation target, 即Overview page.

Artifacts involved in cross component navigation in C4C

(1) there is one field in result list rendered as hyperlink, bound to BO uuid field

(2) BO uuid field is bound to my thing type model:

(3) My thing type is assigned with overview page Jerry_TI, so that in the runtime, Jerry_TI is identified as navigation target.


click hyperlink 333,

and it will navigate to detail page with instance id 333:
