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学习 2020 16 Spartacus 回答 进度 导师 晚上
2023-09-14 09:02:58 时间



What I have learned so far

  • Angular basis - I have gone through Angular tutorial in https://angular.io/ and done exercise introduced there(Tour of Heroes app). Now I can write small and simple Angular application.

  • I have created a demo store using Spartacus schematics and know how to debug Spartacus-core.js and find its counterpart implementation source code in https://github.com/SAP/spartacus.

  • I have finished learning basic Spartacus training videos ( 3 hours ) and advanced Spartacus training( day 1 and day 2 part).

  • Now I have gained basic knowledge on Spartacus, regarding its advantage compared with old accelerators, outlets, CMS components, config typing, routing and styling. I use my own learning best practice to study these topics: first watch video, then do exercise and debug related Spartacus source code to understand what happened under the hood .

What I plan to learn for the next days

finish the left part:

  • Spartacus layout design

  • internationalization

  • Dependency injection and rxJS ( I already learned both a little bit through https://angular.io/)

  • data binding

I think I’m ready to take a small bug soon, to verify my learning progress!