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To add browser notifications to an online customer support live chat service system - gofly - self h

2023-02-19 12:22:23 时间

There are a number of benefits to adding browser notifications to an online customer service system, including:

  1. Improved user experience: Browser notifications can help alert users to new messages and updates, making it easier for them to stay informed and responsive.
  2. Enhanced productivity: By reminding users of new messages and updates, browser notifications can help them stay focused and on top of their customer service tasks, improving productivity.
  3. Increased customer satisfaction: By providing timely updates and alerts, browser notifications can help businesses respond to customer inquiries and issues more quickly, leading to increased customer satisfaction.
  4. Better team communication: Browser notifications can help team members stay informed about new messages and updates, improving communication and collaboration within the team.

It's important to use browser notifications appropriately and not overuse them, as excessive notifications can be disruptive and annoying to users. It's also important to ensure that users have the option to disable or customize browser notifications as needed.

To add browser notifications to an online customer service system, you can use the Web Notification API. This API allows you to send notifications to the user's browser, even when the user is not actively using your website or application.

Here is an example of how to use the Web Notification API to send a notification to the user's browser:

  1. Check if the browser supports the Web Notification API:
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
  console.log("This browser does not support desktop notifications");
  1. Request permission from the user to send notifications:
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
  // If the user has already granted permission, send the notification
  var notification = new Notification("New message from customer");
else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
  Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) {
    // If the user grants permission, send the notification
    if (permission === "granted") {
      var notification = new Notification("New message from customer");

You can customize the notification by setting the title and options, such as the body text and icon, as shown in the example above. You can also specify a callback function to be executed when the user clicks on the notification.

It's important to use browser notifications appropriately and not overuse them, as excessive notifications can be disruptive and annoying to users. It's also important to ensure that users have the option to disable or customize browser notifications as needed.

To encapsulate this into a single function, you can define a function that takes in the necessary parameters, such as the title and options for the notification, and request permission to send the notification if necessary. Here is an example of how you could define this function:

function sendNotification(title, options) {
  if (!("Notification" in window)) {
    console.log("This browser does not support desktop notifications");
  else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
    // If the user has already granted permission, send the notification
    var notification = new Notification(title, options);
  else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
    Notification.requestPermission().then(function (permission) {
      // If the user grants permission, send the notification
      if (permission === "granted") {
        var notification = new Notification(title, options);

You can then use this function to send notifications by calling it and passing in the necessary parameters. For example:

sendNotification("New message from customer", { body: "You have a new message from a customer." });

GOFLY is a web-based self hosted private support chat software implemented in Golang and MySQL.It is compiled into a binary file that can be used without the need for a development environment. It can be downloaded as a zip file and used immediately, only relying on a MySQL database. It is a ready-to-use, full-channel online customer service system that is designed to help developers/companies quickly deploy and integrate private customer service functions.https://gofly.v1kf.com Please contact me immediately if you have any needs.