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Oracle 18一步步指引你安装(oracle 18 安装)

Oracle安装 一步步 指引 18
2023-06-13 09:13:07 时间

Oracle 18c: A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing

Oracle 18c is the latest version of the popular database management system, and installing it isn t as complicated as you might think. In this article, we ll provide a step-by-step guide to installing Oracle 18c on your system.

Before you begin, there are a few things you ll need.

1. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements. Oracle 18c has various software and hardware requirements, so make sure your system meets them to avoid any issues during or after installation. You can find the hardware and software requirements in the Oracle documentation.

2. Download Oracle 18c. It s avlable on the official Oracle website. Also, download the Oraparam.ini and Response file for your system. These files contn configuration settings for Oracle 18c.

3. You ll also need a database to install Oracle 18c. You can either use an existing database or create a new one.

Now that you have everything ready let s dive into the installation process.

1. Unzip the downloaded Oracle 18c software package into a directory. For example, create a directory named /u01/app/oracle/product/18.0.0/db_1 and unzip the package into this directory.

2. After unzipping the package, navigate to the /u01/app/oracle/product/18.0.0/db_1 directory and run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) by executing the following command: ./runInstaller

3. The Installer will open, and you ll be asked to specify the installation location. Leave the default installation path, which is the same path you unzipped the package above. A new pop-up window will ask you to confirm if you want to continue with the installation type, select Install database software only.

4. Next, you ll need to specify the configuration settings for your installation. You can choose to specify the settings manually or load a response file. If you choose to configure the settings manually, you ll be asked to provide the following information:

Inventory directory: Specify the location of the inventory directory.

Specify Oracle Base Directory: Specify the location of Oracle Base Directory.

Select Installation Type: select Desktop class installation type.

Database file management: Select the appropriate option.

Configure Security Updates: Choose whether to receive security updates or not.

Root Scripts confirmation: Run the scripts with root user.

Setup Authentication: Select the appropriate option.

5. After you ve provided all the necessary information, click on Next.

6. You ll be taken to the Summary screen. Here, you ll be able to review all the settings you ve specified. If everything looks good, click on Install to begin the installation process.

7. During installation, you may be prompted to enter information such as a password for the SYS account. Make sure to record this information for future reference.

8. After the installation process is complete, you ll see a general configuration screen. Here, you ll be asked to configure a listener and create a database. You can skip this step if you want to create the database later.

9. Congratulations! You ve successfully installed Oracle 18c. You can now use it to manage your databases.

While installing Oracle 18c may seem daunting, it s a strghtforward process if you follow the steps outlined in this article. By taking your time and carefully configuring your installation, you ll be able to enjoy all the benefits of Oracle 18c.

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