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下调Oracle 一年期截至当日经调降(oracle一年期的当日)

Oracle 下调 当日
2023-06-13 09:12:38 时间

Oracle, the world s leading provider of enterprise software, has announced a significant price reduction for its customers. The price reduction covers a range of Oracle products, including database, middleware, and application software. This move is expected to benefit Oracle customers worldwide, and it comes as welcome news to businesses that are facing ever-increasing IT costs.

The price reduction, which was announced on the Oracle website, applies to all new annual subscriptions and renewals. The discount will vary depending on the product and the region, but in general, customers can expect to save 25% off the list price. This is a significant reduction, especially for large businesses that require multiple licenses.

To take advantage of this discount, customers need to sign up for an annual subscription or renewal before the end of the year. This means that businesses that are planning to upgrade or renew their Oracle software should do so quickly to take advantage of the lower prices.

Oracle s decision to lower its prices is a response to the changing market conditions. The company recognized that its customers are facing increasing pressure to control their IT costs, and lowering prices is an effective way to help them do so. This move may also help Oracle to retn its market share agnst competitors who offer lower-priced alternatives.

In addition to the price reduction, Oracle has also introduced a number of new features and enhancements to its products. These enhancements are designed to improve the performance and capabilities of Oracle software and make it more attractive to customers.

Oracle customers have welcomed the price reduction, with many expressing their gratitude on social media and other online forums. The cost of enterprise software can be a significant burden for businesses, and any reduction in price is highly appreciated. This move by Oracle is likely to improve its reputation among its loyal customer base and attract new customers as well.

In conclusion, Oracle s decision to lower its prices is a welcome move for businesses that rely on its software. The discount is substantial and will help businesses lower their IT costs, which is essential in today s competitive market. With the addition of new features and enhancements, Oracle s software is now more attractive than ever, and this move is likely to cement its position as a leading enterprise software provider.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 下调Oracle 一年期截至当日经调降(oracle一年期的当日)