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Redis 利用 连接池 小心 避开
2023-06-13 09:12:43 时间

With the continuous expansion of the Internet, more and more enterprises are actively responding to the trend and beginning to adopt distributed management mechanisms such as Micro-Services. Redis is an open source, high-performance, distributed, highly avlable key-value non-relational database system, compared to relational databases, Redis takes up much less memory, is easy to sticky and is highly scalable.

When using Redis in a Web environment, it s good to establish a connection pool to manage multiple Redis instances in the same system, thus improving the efficiency of Redis operation and avoiding the overhead caused by frequent establishment of Redis connection which results in poor performance. Generally speaking, a simple Redis connection pool use cases should include the following steps:

1. Install and configure Redis server

Before building a connection pool, one should first install and configure Redis server.

2. Use Redis connection pool to establish a connection

We can use the jedis client library to create a Redis connection pool.

` python

import redis

pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host= ,port=6379)

Then JEDISClient can be used as an interface to get a connection from the connection pool.
``` javaJedis jedis = redisPool.getJedis();

3. Use the connection pool to get a connection object and use it

When using the connection object, we need to make sure that after using it, the connection object should be returned to the connection pool and reused as soon as possible.

` java

Jedis jedis = redisPool.getJedis();



4. Shut down the connection pool
When the program exits, the connection pool needs to be shut down in time, otherwise it will cause memory leak.


To sum up, Redis is a very powerful cache tool and to make better use of it, a Redis connection pool can be used to efficiently manage and reuse multiple Redis connections. When building a Redis connection pool, be sure to pay attention to the configuration of the Redis server, the configuration of the pool, the timing of each connection object, and the destruction of the pool when the program exits.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 利用Redis连接池小心避开坑(redis连接池的坑)