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databaseOracle IC4给数据库带来许多新功能(oracle ic4)

Oracle数据库 功能 带来 许多 databaseOracle ic4
2023-06-13 09:12:55 时间

Oracle 19c: Bringing Many New Features to the Database

Oracle has released the latest version of its database software, Oracle 19c, which comes packed with many new features that can help businesses better manage their data. This newest release builds upon previous versions and introduces several new capabilities, enabling users to take full advantage of the latest developments in database technology.

One of the most exciting new features of Oracle 19c is Automatic Indexing, which uses machine learning algorithms to create and optimize indexes automatically. This helps users save time and effort and ensures that their databases are operating at maximum efficiency.

Another significant improvement is Real-Time Statistics, which provides real-time insight into database performance metrics, allowing users to quickly identify and fix issues as they occur. With this feature, DBAs can diagnose performance problems more efficiently and keep their systems running smoothly.

Oracle 19c also includes enhancements to its sharding capabilities that allow users to distribute large datasets across multiple databases for better scalability and performance. This is particularly useful for applications with high data throughput, such as online gaming, e-commerce, and streaming media platforms.

In addition, the new release includes support for blockchn tables, which enables users to store immutable records securely and transparently in a blockchn network. This is particularly useful for industries such as finance, healthcare, and supply chn management, which require secure and tamper-proof records.

Further, Oracle 19c introduces new security features such as universal auditing, which allows users to centrally manage and monitor audit policies across their entire database environment. Additionally, the release includes new encryption options and support for multi-factor authentication to better protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

Overall, Oracle 19c provides significant improvements and new capabilities that enable businesses to manage their data with greater efficiency, scalability, and security. With its new features, Oracle 19c is a powerful database solution that helps users stay ahead in the fast-changing world of data management.

Below is an example of automatic indexing code in Oracle 19c:

CREATE INDEX sales_index ON sales (sales_rep, company) INVISIBLE;



sales_index ,






服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

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