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Oracle数据库 介绍 版本 最新 中文版 英文版 中英
2023-06-13 09:12:04 时间

Introduction to the Latest Version of Oracle Database

Oracle Database, developed by Oracle Corporation, is a widely used relational database management system (RDBMS). It has become the backbone of many enterprises and applications due to its scalability, security, and performance. The latest version of Oracle Database, Oracle 21c, has been a hot topic in the IT industry.

What s New in Oracle 21c?

Oracle 21c introduces several exciting new features that improve its functionality and usability. Firstly, it supports multi-model data processing, which means that you can store and retrieve relational, graph, and spatial data in the same database. Secondly, it features blockchn tables, which enable you to create tamper-proof records and store them on a decentralized ledger. Thirdly, it supports the use of JavaScript as a native language for stored procedures, making it easier to write and execute code directly in the database. These new features make Oracle 21c more versatile and flexible.

Advantages of Using Oracle Database

Oracle Database has several advantages that make it a popular choice for many enterprises. Firstly, it is highly scalable, which means that it can handle large amounts of data and users without compromising performance. Secondly, it is highly secure, with built-in security features such as data encryption and access control. Thirdly, it is highly reliable, with minimal downtime and high avlability. Lastly, it is highly performant, with fast query times and efficient data processing.

Code Examples

Here are some code examples that showcase the power of Oracle Database:

Creating a Table

CREATE TABLE employees (

employee_id NUMBER(6),

first_name VARCHAR2(20),

last_name VARCHAR2(25),

eml VARCHAR2(25),

phone_number VARCHAR2(20),

hire_date DATE,

job_id VARCHAR2(10),

salary NUMBER(8,2),

commission_pct NUMBER(2,2),

manager_id NUMBER(6),

department_id NUMBER(4)


Inserting Data into a Table

INSERT INTO employees

(employee_id, first_name, last_name, eml, phone_number, hire_date, job_id, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, department_id)


(100, Steven , King , steven.king@sqltutorial.org , 515.123.4567 , 2003-06-17 , AD_PRES , 24000, NULL, NULL, 90);

Updating Data in a Table

UPDATE employees SET salary = salary * 1.10 WHERE department_id = 90;


Oracle Database is a powerful and versatile RDBMS that has been adopted by many enterprises and applications. Oracle 21c, the latest version, introduces several new features that improve its functionality and usability. It is highly scalable, secure, reliable, and performant, making it an excellent choice for any organization that needs to manage large amounts of data. With its powerful SQL and PL/SQL languages, Oracle Database is an essential tool for any IT professional.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 中英双版Oracle数据库介绍最新版本(oracle中文版英文版)