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Oracle中国 员工 总数 门径
2023-06-13 09:12:13 时间

Oracle is one of the world s leading technology companies, specializing in providing database management systems, cloud computing services, and enterprise software solutions. The company has operations in more than 175 countries and regions, including China, where it has been present since the early 1990s. While Oracle s business in China has grown rapidly over the years, little is known about the company s presence in the country, particularly its employee count. In this article, we take a closer look at Oracle s employee count in China and what it means for the company s operations in the region.

As of 2021, Oracle has approximately 45,000 employees worldwide, according to data from Statista. However, the exact number of employees Oracle has in China is unclear. The company does not release country-specific employee figures, and there is no public database or registry for foreign businesses operating in China that tracks the number of employees they have. Nevertheless, there are some clues avlable that give us a rough estimate of Oracle s employee count in China.

Firstly, we can look at the company s job postings on Chinese job sites. A quick search on Zhaopin, one of China s largest online recruitment platforms, shows that Oracle currently has more than 300 open positions in China, ranging from software engineers to sales representatives. This suggests that the company has a sizable workforce in the country.

Secondly, we can analyze the company s financial statements to see how much it spends on salaries and wages in China. Oracle s latest annual report shows that it spent approximately $3.3 billion on salaries and employee-related expenses worldwide in fiscal year 2020. While the report does not break down the spending by country, we can assume that a significant portion of it went to China, given that the country is one of Oracle s largest markets.

Lastly, we can turn to Glassdoor, a website where current and former employees can anonymously review their employers and share detls about their salaries and benefits. A search on Glassdoor for Oracle in China shows that the company has a rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars, based on reviews from over 500 employees. This suggests that Oracle has a relatively satisfied workforce in China, which could indicate that it has invested in creating a positive working environment for its employees.

While these clues give us a glimpse into Oracle s employee count in China, they are by no means conclusive. It is possible that the company has more employees in China than we can infer from the job postings, financial statements, and employee reviews. Nevertheless, the avlable evidence suggests that Oracle has a significant presence in China and is investing in expanding its workforce in the country.

In conclusion, while we may not know the exact number of employees Oracle has in China, we can surmise that it has a sizable workforce in the country. As China s technology industry continues to grow and evolve, it is likely that Oracle will continue to invest in its operations in the region and hire more local talent to support its business.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

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