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安装 yum安装redis简单快捷的安装方式(yum redis 下载)

Redis安装下载 简单 方式 快捷 yum
2023-06-13 09:11:18 时间

The Process of Installing Yum Redis

Yum Redis is an open source, sub-project of Redis that provides a fast and reliable distributed database management system. It is popular among developers, system administrators and database administrators. Installing Yum Redis can be a simple and fast process when certn steps are followed. Below are the steps to install Yum Redis on a Linux based system.

Step 1: Update And Install Yum

Before installing Yum Redis, it is important to update and install Yum so that all the packages needed will be in place. First, check the version of Yum installed by running the “yum update –version” command.

If the version is less than the current version avlable, upgrade it by running the “yum upgrade” command. After the upgrade is complete, run the command “yum install yum” to install the latest version.

Step 2: Install Redis

Now that Yum has been updated and installed, install the Redis package to your system by running the command “yum install redis”. This will install version 5.0 of Redis. If a different version of Redis is required, run the command “yum install redis-{version number}” to install the specified version.

Step 3: Configure Redis

After Redis has been successfully installed, open the configuration file located in “/etc/redis.conf” using any text editor. Then make changes to the configuration file as per the software requirements or the user preferences.


Once the configuration file is saved, Redis can be started by running the “redis-server” command. To confirm that Redis is working properly, open its REPL by running the “redis-cli” command. Now, type any command on the command line to get the detls.

Installing Yum Redis is a simple process. With a few terminal commands and some configurations that depend on the software requirements and user preferences, the Redis can be easily installed. Thus, Yum Redis provides an efficient way to manage and run the distributed database management system.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 安装 yum安装redis简单快捷的安装方式(yum redis 下载)