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mysql 问题 解决 一直 打不开
2023-06-13 09:11:17 时间





1. 按下Win+R键,输入services.msc打开服务管理窗口。

2. 找到MySQL服务,确保服务状态为“运行中”。

3. 如果服务未运行,右键点击MySQL服务,选择“启动”。



1. 打开MySQL配置文件my.ini(或my.cnf),一般在MySQL安装目录下。

2. 在文件中找到以下一行:


3. 尝试修改该端口号为其他未被占用的端口。

4. 重启MySQL服务,再次尝试连接MySQL数据库。



1. 停止MySQL服务。

2. 在MySQL安装目录下,运行cmd.exe以管理员权限。

3. 运行以下命令:

“cd \mysql\bin”

“mysqld skip-grant-tables console”

4. 启动MySQL服务。

5. 在cmd.exe窗口中,运行以下命令:

“mysql -u root”

“use mysql;”

“update user set password=password( 新密码 ) where user= root ”

“flush privileges;”


Resolving MySQL Not Opening Error

MySQL is currently the most commonly used open-source relational database management system, widely used in various application areas. However, sometimes we may encounter problems where MySQL cannot be opened. This article will introduce several methods to solve the problem of MySQL not opening, helping readers to quickly solve the problem.

1. Check if the MySQL service is running Normally

First, we need to ensure that the MySQL service is running normally. You can check it through the following steps:

1. Press the Win+R key, enter services.msc to open the service management window.

2. Find the MySQL service and make sure the service status is running .

3. If the service is not running, right-click the MySQL service and select Start .

2. Check if the MySQL port is occupied

If the MySQL service is running normally, but cannot connect to the MySQL database, it may be because the MySQL port is occupied. At this time, we need to check whether the port is occupied and try to modify the port number.

1. Open the MySQL configuration file my.ini (or my.cnf), which is generally located under the MySQL installation directory.

2. Find the following line in the file:


3. Try to modify the port number to other unoccupied ports.

4. Restart the MySQL service and try to connect to the MySQL database agn.

3. Check if the MySQL password is correct

If the MySQL service is running normally, but when connecting to the MySQL database, it prompts access denied , it may be because the MySQL password is incorrect. At this time, we need to reset the MySQL password.

1. Stop the MySQL service.

2. Run cmd.exe with administrator privileges in the MySQL installation directory.

3. Run the following command:

cd\ mysql\ bin

mysqld skip-grant-tables console

4. Start the MySQL service.

5. In the cmd.exe window, run the following commands:

mysql -u root

use mysql;

update user set password=password( new password ) where user= root

flush privileges;

In conclusion, if you encounter the problem of MySQL not opening, you can try the above methods to solve it.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 解决MySQL打不开的问题(mysql一直打不开)