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Redis测试 是否 可用 受欢迎
2023-06-13 09:20:12 时间

Redis is an open source, advanced, high-performance and key-value based NoSQL database written in the ANSI C programming language. It is most popular in the domn of web, mobile, IoT and software infrastructure due to its in-memory data caching and publish-subscribe messaging capabilities. It provides high avlability, robust data security, data persistence, and comprehensive analysis and search capabilities.

It is a high performance data store used as a database, cache and message broker such as Redis Cluster, Redis Sentinel, and Geofencing that provides application developers multiple options to scale the Redis deployment for peak performance.

One key metric of evaluating whether Redis is popular or not is to look at how many projects are currently using the technology. GitHub repo stats show that Redis is currently the second most popular database technology on GitHub based on repository cloners. It has 25+ million downloads from its official website, another 20+ million downloads from the open source version, and 1+ billion requests served every day, clearly reflecting the popularity of Redis.

In addition, the Stack Overflow developer survey finds that Redis is the third most loved database among professional developers, who rate their experience with the platform highly. This is in no small part due to Redis’ stable performance and easy scalability, which make it suitable for nearly all types of web applications. Meanwhile, the Redis community provides a plethora of resources to support developers using the database.

To summarize, it is evident that Redis has become a very popular database technology, scoring high with professional developers and increasing its presence significantly in the web and mobile applications. It has become the go-to choice for applications requiring fast performance, scalability and reliability.

//For testing, we can use the following code to see if a value exists in redis.

//To check if a value exists

String key = someKey

Boolean exist = Redis.exists(key);

//And for more complicated operations, we can make use of a native Redis Client


Jedis jedis = new Jedis( localhost , 6379);

jedis.auth( your-auth-password );

//Set a key

jedis.set( someKey , someValue );

//Get a key value

String value = jedis.get( someKey );

//Delete a key

Long statusCode = jedis.del( someKey );

//Close the connection


服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 测试Redis是否受欢迎(测试redis是否可用)