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Redis性能美团 优化 推出 携手 大幅度
2023-06-13 09:19:44 时间

Talk about the cooperation between Meituan and Redis

Recently, in the face of the huge user base of millions,Meituan and Redis joined forces to make a major effort to optimize performance.

Meituan was founded in 2010, is committed to becoming one of the world s leading local lifestyle platform, and with its Meituan-Dianping integrated platform, has achieved a major success. But at the same time Meituan also encountered a huge pn point, how to effectively solve the large data management and performance response becomes a key issue.

In order to solve these problems, Meituan found an appropriate solution Redis. Redis is an advanced key-value database that supports data structures such as strings, lists, sets, sorted sets and hashes. With support for clustering and data persistence, Redis provides a flexible distributed storage schema that can be used for a variety of data scenarios.

Meituan s collaboration with Redis allowed Meituan to improve data speed, reduce memory footprint, and solve many other performance problems. With the help of Redis, Meituan was able to improve its reliability, scalability and Efficiency.

Meituan’s engineering team also worked with Redis to build a complete distributed caching system. With this system, Meituan significantly improved the response speed of its core services. Meituan also used Redis for a variety of analysis tasks, including data analytics, real-time directional push, fraud detection and more.

In addition, Meituan also took advantage of Redis to improve the user experience of its mobile app. By deploying Redis to store user data, Meituan was able to shorten page load times significantly. All in all, the cooperation between Meituan and Redis has made a great contribution to Meituan s performance optimization.

Meituan has benefited greatly from the partnership with Redis. Redis’ highly efficient and reliable data storage and analysis capabilities has enabled Meituan to scale quickly with a high quality user experience. Meituan will continue to leverage Redis to enhance the user experience, while reducing time-to-market and operational costs.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 美团携手Redis推出大幅度性能优化(美团redis优化)