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服务 mssql 开启 可能 跨越
2023-06-13 09:17:55 时间


MSSQL is a widely used relational database management system used by organizations of all sizes. It provides a reliable and secure way to store and retrieve data from databases. Although it can be a bit complicated to set up and maintain, a combination of scripting and graphical tools can help make the process easier. In this article, we will discuss how to set up and enable the MSSQL service on Windows 10.


1. Open the Services Manager by pressing Windows Key + R to open the Run window and typing in services.msc . This will open the Services Manager window.

2. Scroll down until you see the MSSQL service and double-click on it to open its settings.

3. Change the startup type to Automatic and click Apply to save the settings.

4. Click the Start button to start the service.

5. To check if the service is running, open the Task Manager and see if the MSSQL process is running.


Setting up and enabling the MSSQL service can be done simply and easily using the methods outlined above. It is a reliable and secure way to store and retrieve data from databases and can be used with a variety of different applications. With the proper steps taken, anyone can set up and enable the MSSQL service on Windows 10.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 开启MSSQL服务,跨越不可能!(开启mssql服务)