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复制MySQL快速删除主从复制的数据(mysql 删除主从)

mysql数据 快速 删除 复制 主从 主从复制
2023-06-13 09:18:11 时间

MySQL master-slave replication is a great way to increase performance and availability of your database. With replication, you can have multiple copies of the same data on different servers, so if one server goes down, the other servers will still be able to continue serving data. However, there are times when you may need to delete data from all the replicated databases at once. In this article, we will explain how to quickly delete data from all replicated databases in MySQL.

The best way to quickly delete data from multiple replicated databases is to create a db dump that has only the data that needs to be deleted, and then use the mysql dump tool to propagate it across all the databases. The db dump should include only the tables that need to be deleted and should exclude anything else. For example, if you were deleting a user record from all databases, you would create a dump that only had the “users” table and exclude any other tables.

Once the db dump has been created, it can be imported into MySQL using the “mysql” command line tool. This can be done by running the following command:


Where “dump.sql” is the dumped file we just created.

Once the dump has been imported, it can be used to propagate the changes to all the databases. This can be done by running the following command:

mysql --slave-password=SAFE_PASSWORD --slave-user=REPLICATION_USER_NAME

Where SAFE_PASSWORD is the password associated with the replication user and REPLICATION_USER_NAME is the username associated with the replication user.

After running this command, the changes will be propagated to all the databases as part of the master-slave replication process. This is a much faster and more efficient way to delete data from multiple databases than manually deleting the data from each database.

In conclusion, deleting data from multiple replicated databases in MySQL is a simple and straightforward process. By creating a db dump that only contains the data that needs to be deleted, and then using the “mysql” command line tool to propagate the changes, you can quickly delete data from multiple replicated databases.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 复制MySQL快速删除主从复制的数据(mysql 删除主从)