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Oracle: From Humble Beginnings to Global Dominance – A Historical Overview.(oracle发展历程)

Oracle to 发展 from 历程 global Overview Humble
2023-06-13 09:17:28 时间
Oracle: From Humble Beginnings to Global Dominance – A Historical Overview.(oracle发展历程)

Oracle: From Humble Beginnings to Global Dominance – A Historical Overview

When Oracle was founded in 1977 by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oates, nobody would have predicted the success that the company would eventually attain. The company s first product, Oracle 2, was a revolutionary piece of relational database software. Its release in 1979 transformed the database industry, paving the way for the online electronic commerce and data management applications we see today.

The success of Oracle 2 was followed by the release of Oracle 3 in 1982, which featured an improved query engine and a more complete library of SQL built-in functions. This eventually led to the company s first full-fledged relational database, Oracle 4, which was released in 1985. This product was the first truly commercial-grade relational database, and it quickly established Oracle as a leader in the industry.

During the 1990s, Oracle continued to expand and refine its product line. The company released Oracle 5 and 6, which featured increased reliability and scalability. Oracle also worked to expand its presence in the industry with the release of Oracle Client-Server and Oracle Applications, which allowed for enterprise-wide data sharing and distributed computing. By the late 90s, Oracle had become one of the leading providers of enterprise-level data management solutions.

In the new millennium, Oracle has expanded its reach and dominance even further. The company has released Oracle 12c and 18c, which are now widely used in corporate environments around the world. Oracle has also expanded its product line to include cloud solutions and Big Data applications. The success of Oracle s products has led to the company s acquisition of a number of smaller companies, allowing it to broaden its offerings even further.

Today, Oracle is one of the most widely used database solutions in the world. Its products are the backbone of thousands of businesses and organizations around the world. Oracle’s success is a testament to the vision, determination, and innovation of its founders and continues to be a leader in the industry.

Despite the obvious success of Oracle over the years, the company is not content to rest on its laurels. The company is constantly striving to refine its products and develop new solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of a competitive and demanding business landscape. Its commitment to excellence and innovation will no doubt ensure its global dominance for years to come.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Oracle: From Humble Beginnings to Global Dominance – A Historical Overview.(oracle发展历程)