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Securely Manage Your Oracle Database with SSH Access(sshoracle)

DatabasesshOracle with access your manage
2023-06-13 09:17:28 时间

Nowadays, SSH access enables organizations to securely manage their Oracle databases. SSH access allows increasingly dynamic environments to make resources available wherever they are housed, no matter their geographical location. Setting up access using SSH is straightforward and should be a secure method of remote access.

SSH is a secure, encrypted communication protocol used to provide remote access. SSH access allows users to access their Oracle Database securely, manage their systems, and keep their data safe. SSH access can also be used to securely transfer files between systems, manage accounts and more.

To set up the Oracle Database to allow SSH access, there are certain system configuration steps that must be taken. SSH access must be enabled on the system by first adding an SSH port (typically 22) on the Oracle Database to the firewall. Then, an SSH key must be generated for the Oracle Database. This key must be strong and long enough to meet the security requirements of the system. Next, the users must be allowed to access the Oracle Database from the system. Users must be added to the SSH authentication files and their passwords must be encrypted. Finally, the SSH service must be enabled.

After setting up the system for SSH access, users can then log in to the Oracle Database using a terminal or a web-based SSH client. In order to access the Oracle Database, a user must first log into the SSH server using the generated key. Once logged in, the user can then use the Oracle Database s command line interface (CLI) to execute commands. The user can also use the GUI-based Oracle Enterprise Manager to configure systems, deploy and manage databases, and access data.

With SSH access to the Oracle Database, users are enabled to securely manage their databases and ensure the security and reliability of their systems. Organizations should take advantage of this method of remote access in order to ensure the safety of their data and safeguard their networks.

# Generating SSH key for Oracle Database
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 –f ./oracle_key
# Allowing access from system$ sudo adduser
# Adding user to SSH authentication files$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Adding the public key in the configuration fileAllowUsers
# Replacing the with the username created
# Setting up the password of the user $sudo passwd
# Enabling the SSH Service$ sudo systemctl start sshd
# Testing the Connection$ ssh @

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Securely Manage Your Oracle Database with SSH Access(sshoracle)