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Leveraging Linux for Uninterrupted Power: A Guide to System Power Protection(linux系统掉电保护)

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2023-06-13 09:17:23 时间
Leveraging Linux for Uninterrupted Power: A Guide to System Power Protection(linux系统掉电保护)

Leveraging Linux for Uninterrupted Power: A Guide to System Power Protection

As a system administrator, one of the most important tasks is to keep the system running without interruption. Power outages, surges, and other electrical issues can cause system downtime, data loss, and other critical errors. To prevent such situations, system administrators need to implement power protection measures. A popular choice for power protection is the use of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems. In this guide, we will explore how to leverage Linux for uninterrupted power and implement UPS systems.

Understanding Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems

UPS systems are battery-backed power systems that provide protection against power outages, surges, and other electrical issues. When the power goes out or fluctuates outside the acceptable range, the UPS system kicks in and provides power to the connected devices. This enables system administrators to gracefully shut down the system or continue running critical applications until the power is restored.

Leveraging Linux for UPS Systems

Linux provides robust support for UPS systems, enabling system administrators to monitor and control power supply within the system. One of the main tools used for UPS management in Linux is Network UPS Tools (NUT). NUT is a suite of tools that provides support for many UPS system brands and models. NUT supports both USB and serial communication between the UPS system and the computer.

Implementing NUT on a Linux System

To use NUT on a Linux system, you need to install the NUT package. On Debian-based systems, you can use the command:

`sudo apt-get install nut `

On Red Hat-based systems, use the command:

`sudo yum install nut `

Once the installation is complete, you need to configure NUT to communicate with the UPS system. The configuration file for NUT is located at /etc/nut/nut.conf. Here, you need to specify the driver for the UPS system, the communication type (USB or serial), and other relevant parameters.

For example, to configure NUT for a USB-connected UPS system, you can use the following configuration:

driver = usbhid-ups port = auto

Once the configuration is done, you need to start the NUT daemon using the command:

`sudo service nut start `

You can then check the status of the UPS system using the command:

`sudo upsdrvctl status `

This should show the status of the UPS system and the connected devices.

Monitoring the UPS System

NUT provides several tools for monitoring the UPS system. One of the most popular tools is upsmon, a daemon that monitors the UPS system and takes appropriate actions based on the power status. upsmon can be configured to shut down the system gracefully or send notifications when the power is out.

To configure upsmon, you need to edit the upsmon.conf file located at /etc/nut/upsmon.conf. Here, you need to specify the host name of the UPS system and other relevant parameters.

For example, to configure upsmon to shut down the system when the power is out, you can use the following configuration:

MONITOR UPS@localhost 1 upsmon upsmonpassword master
SHUTDOWNCMD "/sbin/shutdown -h now"NOTIFYCMD "/path/to/notification/script"

This configuration specifies the UPS system host name (UPS), the communication type (local connection), the user name and password for upsmon, and the shutdown and notification commands.

Testing the UPS System

To test the UPS system, you can simulate a power outage by disconnecting the power supply to the UPS system. The UPS system should kick in and provide power to the connected devices. You can then monitor the UPS system status using the NUT tools and ensure that the system shuts down gracefully.


In conclusion, power protection is a critical aspect of system administration, and UPS systems are an essential tool for uninterrupted power supply. Linux provides robust support for UPS systems, and NUT is a popular tool for UPS management in Linux. By leveraging Linux and NUT, system administrators can implement power protection measures and ensure uninterrupted system operation.

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