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Guide to Initializing an Oracle Database: Tips and Tricks(oracle初始化数据库)

DatabaseOracle数据库 to and 初始化 an Guide
2023-06-13 09:17:29 时间

Oracle has been an industry leader in the database market for the last three decades or more and one of the most reliable open source databases. However, many organizations have problems when trying to install and configure one of these powerful systems.

But with the right guide, you too can easily create an Oracle database and start using it for a variety of purposes. This article will show you some tips and tricks for setting up an Oracle database, as well as providing you with the steps to follow when completing this task.

Before you begin, make sure you have the right hardware. Oracle databases require multiple core processors and a total of at least 8GB of RAM. This is essential in order to maintain the best performance of the system.

Once you have the right hardware, you can now proceed to the installation process. The first step is to download the Oracle Database software from Oracle. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to create a database connection using SQL*Plus and run the ‘create database’ command.

At this point, you need to create and configure a database instance. This will allow you to configure Oracle’s Tablespace and System Tablespace, as well as Backups, Auditing, and other features. You can configure the database instance with the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA).

After configuring the database instance, you can now create database tables. To do this, you will have to first create a new Tablespace and then create a user, who will have the privileges to access the tables you have created.

Next, you will need to execute the DBCA to create new tables. This procedure is easy and can be completed within a few minutes. Once the tables are created, you need to create permissions and grants for the user so that they can access the database.

Finally, it’s important to keep an eye on the Oracle database. This can be done by creating automated health checks and executing them at specified intervals. You should also back up the database on a regular basis, as well as using monitoring tools to find any potential issues.

These tips and tricks will help you create and maintain your Oracle database. But remember, when creating a database, it’s important to test it thoroughly before putting it into production. By following these steps and the tips outlined in this article, you will be able to enjoy an efficient and powerful Oracle database.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 Guide to Initializing an Oracle Database: Tips and Tricks(oracle初始化数据库)