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mysql 指南 大全 错误代码
2023-06-13 09:17:07 时间

MySQL is one of the most popular open source relational databases. As with any database, MySQL can have occasional errors. To troubleshoot these errors, it s important to understand the different MySQL error codes and to know how to identify, debug and fix them.

MySQL error codes are formatted as a five digit number and include a unique message for each code. The numerical code signifies the category or class of error. For example, 1061 is a duplicate key error, while 1062 indicates deadlock.

The most common MySQL errors are:

1062 Deadlock

This type of error occurs when two processes are trying to access the same resources simultaneously, leading to a deadlock that prevents any of the processes from executing. This error can be identified by checking the MySQL log files and by analyzing the SQL query.

1061 Duplicate Key

This error occurs when an INSERT or UPDATE statement attempts to insert/update a duplicate value into an index or primary key column. The correct solution is to modify the query to prevent the duplication, or to add a UNIQUE index to the column to prevent it.

1064 Syntax Error

This is a syntax error that occurs when a query contains an incorrect syntax. This error can usually be identified by checking the query and ensuring it s valid SQL.

1146 Table Doesn t Exist

This error occurs when an SQL query attempts to access a table that does not exist in the database. The solution is to ensure the table is created or exists in the database.

1136 Incorrect Number of Columns

This error occurs when an SQL query attempts to access or modify the data for a table with an incorrect number of columns. The correct solution is to modify the query to have an appropriate number of columns.

1205 Lock Wait Timeout

This error occurs when a query attempts to access a table while a row-level lock is being applied. The correct solution is to modify the query to avoid locking, or to modify the code to ensure the lock is released after the query is finished.

1215 Cannot Add Foreign Key

This error occurs when an SQL query attempts to create a foreign key relationship between two tables but the columns in the tables do not match. The correct solution is to modify the query to ensure the columns for both tables match.

1451 Cannot Delete or Update a Parent Row

This error occurs when an SQL query attempts to delete or update a row in a table with a foreign key relationship to another table, but the row contains children in the other table. The correct solution is to modify the query to ensure all child rows in the table are deleted or updated first.

MySQL error codes are important to understand and can help you identify, debug and fix errors when working with MySQL. It s important to know the correct solutions for these error codes in order to avoid common problems and keep your MySQL database running smoothly.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

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