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退出MySQL: 结束一段伴侣关系(退出mysql)

mysql 关系 退出 结束 一段 伴侣
2023-06-13 09:16:48 时间

MySQL(My SQueue, abbrivated from Structured Query Language) is a powerful and widely used relational database management system. Through this system, users can create, update and delete databases and records, and perform various query, analytical and statistical operations on the data.

However, as any user of MySQL who has been around for some time will know, a complete relationship between the user and MySQL can sometimes be quite cumbersome to maintain. For example, a user may need to enter credentials, open a terminal window and enter a myriad of commands just to complete a simple task.

If you are looking to end a relationship with MySQL and move on, you will need to do the following:

1.Close the terminal window. To close the terminal window, enter `exit`on the command line. This should terminate the MySQL session.

2.Ensure that all of your sessions have been terminated. Perform the following command to verify that all MySQL sessions have been terminated: `SHOW PROCESSLIST;`. All connected processes will be displayed. For each active session, run the command `kill ` to terminate the session.

3.Uninstall MySQL. To completely remove MySQL from your system, enter the command `sudo apt-get purge mysql-server -y` on the command line. This command will uninstall all of the components of MySQL that are installed on your system.

4.Close all running applications. All applications that are connected to MySQL should be closed in order to cleanly end the relationship. If an application is “stuck”, you may need to manually terminate the application using the command `kill `.

Finally, it is important to remember that you may need to check and remove any configuration files that are left behind. These files may be stored in the `/etc/mysql/` directory.

Ending the relationship with MySQL can be a difficult decision, especially for those users who have been working with the system for a long time. However, with careful planning and practice, it is possible to close the relationship cleanly and move on to a fresh start. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can ensure that the transition from MySQL to a new system is as trouble free as possible.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

数据库远程运维 退出MySQL: 结束一段伴侣关系(退出mysql)