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ATG Oracle:提升电子商务体验的必备工具(atgoracle)

Oracle工具 提升 体验 必备 电子商务 ATG
2023-06-13 09:16:12 时间

Nowadays, with the development of technology, electronic commerce is increasingly becoming a popular activity all around the globe.People could buy anything they want, just with a few click of the mouse.However, it is difficult to build a successful and stable online store frontend, backend and supporting services.Oracle ATG is an e-commerce platform that helps online stores to meet the challenges of e-commerce and provides users with an enhanced online shopping experience.

ATG Oracle is an enterprise-grade e-commerce platform built on an open source Java and J2EE. It provides customers with a wealth of features such as personalization, multi-site management, mobile commerce, order management, and payment management. In other words, it provides users with a seamless, integrated and highly configurable shopping experience.

Besides,ATG Oracle provides users with a range of scalable, reliable and secure technologies. For example, ATG Oracle has implemented Oracle Database 12c, Oracle Exalogic, and Oracle Taleo for its databases and application servers.It also provides users with a full stack of tools such as: web server, message processing, caching, security and load balancing.This allows users to efficiently build, deploy and maintain an e-commerce solution.

With such a powerful tool as ATG Oracle, users can customize their online stores with ease. ATG Oracle allows users to integrate their stores with a range of third-party applications, such as Google Analytics, Salesforce, and Facebook. Also, users can quickly add new products, manage customer orders, and add new marketing campaigns.

Moreover, ATG Oracle provides users with a wide range of built-in web services that help users to manage their stores in more efficient. Some of these services include: product catalog, order processing, customer management, shipping and tax calculations.In addition, ATG Oracle also provides users with advanced analytics capabilities, such as customer segmentation, purchase behaviour, and A/B testing.

All in all, ATG Oracle is an essential tool for users to enhance their e-commerce experience. It provides users with a comprehensive set of features, technologies and services. It also helps users to simplify their store management and provides valuable insights for their business.

服务范围:MySQL、ORACLE、SQLSERVER、MongoDB、PostgreSQL 、程序问题

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